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Anonymous1: Laurie would shave off her cunny. She was so slutty to the point of cumming 88 cums per hour and gushing into 90's culture with that 40 years advancement of just shaving off lush forrest.
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Anonymous2: Kelso is one big dumbass! That mother fucker doe's not deserve a hotted like Laurie Forman. Kelso doe's not deserve a taboo sex affair with Jackie & Laurie, if any one deserves a taboo affair with Laurie is "Eric!" Yes that's right, i rather Eric and his sister Laurie have a taboo sex affair then with Kelso. It's because i feel like Eric truly deserve more sex in the show an not just from Donna, ceez the other two Kelso & Hyde get more sex then Eric sadly. And all of the bullshit he go's through an if you watch the show then you will see what i mean! An so that's why i think Laurie & Eric should have sex with each other, and i know Eric will must defnetly enjoy having sex with his sister.