DudeMeistro: @thedap: I drew this myself and uploaded it here. It's the only version of this pic on the web, unless someone has stolen it in the past day or so.
So, what's wrong with the tags?
DudeMeistro: @thedap: I'll take the stuff about the tags into consideration next time, thanks ^^
Though, I'm guessing when you said "the Decepticon is wrong" you mean from an artistic standpoint? Well, if so, I disagree. Sure, the boat kibble is missing, but that was intentional. everything else is pretty accurate to the character, and the proportions used are just artistic licence.
Ridges: @DudeMeistro: thedap is referring to your tags - for a picture like this, the only tags (other than the artist tag) should be for the character and series. In this case, thunderblast and chromia are the character tags (since she's known equally as well by both names), and the series would be both transformers_cybertron and galaxy_force. All TF pics get the transformers tag.
Remember, when tagging, spaces are replaced with underscores.
DudeMeistro: @Ridges: Thank you. I think I had a brain frazzle at that moment. I didn't know I couldn't put factions in the tags. I will bare that in mind for future drawings if I decide to make any ^^
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So, what's wrong with the tags?
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Though, I'm guessing when you said "the Decepticon is wrong" you mean from an artistic standpoint? Well, if so, I disagree. Sure, the boat kibble is missing, but that was intentional. everything else is pretty accurate to the character, and the proportions used are just artistic licence.
Remember, when tagging, spaces are replaced with underscores.
There's my Christmas gift.
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