Anonymous5: Anon3&4: She said lives on A fantasy island not "I live on Fantasy Island" meaning she's calling the island shes on a paradise not saying that's its name. You can tell that by the fact the F and I in "fantasy island" was not capitalized.
Anonymous12: Anon6: It is, and no one ever said it wasn't. The 'fantasy island' bit isn't the name of the place, she's refering to the fact it's fictional.
Anonymous19: Anon3/4, 6, and 15/16: Yes, the place is Destiny Island, but she's NOT saying the name of the island. She's saying that she lives on a fictional island. Geez.
Anonymous23: anon23 I was worried that I might have been the only one to catch that. She's flat chested where her boobs should be and then gets gigantic boobs coming from her stomach. High on her stomach granted, but the placement makes it look even weirder than it did with just massive boobs.
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also tits. very big tits
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no he's screwing riku, hm, wowe, most males in the game are raging gay, thats sad for the human race in this game
Learn to read, people!
*donald is a featherfag!*
Btw, I think she meant it as it's a fantasy island as in not real.