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Arc: When we work together it's much better
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Wicabeth: You made my day, Arc
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BerryBertunz: ..May I ask what's going on here?
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TheBeardedGentalman: Somthing wicked this way comes!
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Anonymous1: Laura is being used as a slide.
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Anonymous2: Arc stole my line X(
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Anonymous3: is she dead?
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EpicFailMomma: She's not being used as a slide. She's being used as a club house. Or one of those networks of colorful tubes. Also, win.
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Anonymous4: LOL.
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Anonymous5: Oh no, shes been given the Richard Gere treatment!
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Anonymous6: the hamster's I TOLD YOU ALL THEY'D RAPE EVERYONE!
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Anonymous7: snoozer is a pain in her ass lol
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Anonymous8: :(
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Turbotowns: Technically Vore... anyway, it's kinda hot! ...If a bit dark and morbid...