Phantasmagoria: Actually, that makes a lot of sense! It would also explain his kind of confused expression... Like 'Oh, a cock.' As if he's never seen one before.
DarkMage20: I don't know, if you look at the skull sockets on his shirt, they go upward at the edge, kind of like eyelashes or horn rimmed glasses. And a cock that size would probably have to be ripped off kingpin or rhino, maybe blob.
Phantasmagoria: Hmn, I'd be sad too, but it shouldn't stop us from finding out the truth! Well, he is almost hard to imagine as a she, so I guess the possibility is nil anyway. Besides, it could definately be kingpins.
Wait, and also, did he light the cigarette in the cock? Hmn. Huh.
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Also, LOL @ the symbols on his utility belt, there.
Could the Punisher be a woman!?! TWIST ENDING!
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Wait, and also, did he light the cigarette in the cock? Hmn. Huh.
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This picture makes less and less sense the longer you look at it.
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