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Rule34d: congrats you found the triforce
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Anonymous1: DA NA NA NAAAA!!!!
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tehwalrus: What are the other girls so shocked about Zelda? Does she have a tail or something?
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Sidadel: Good question tehwalrus
I think she has a tatoo
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Sabriel_Nurglitch: it's obviously anal dentata
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Anonymous2: ..the text on top is the key to understanding their expressions
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Nintendero: why the fuck is that pic tagged as "Phoenix Wright"?

(now it was tagged, I have changed it)
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Anonymous3: but i cant read japanese :(
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Anonymous4: What happened to the Phoenix Wright ASCII texts?
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Anonymous5: Link branded his name into her.
All the others are like "OH SHI-"
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Anonymous6: Ganon was here, Link is a loser.
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Anonymous7: I think the little pic in the bottom left is Link showing evidence of his latest conquest (Zelda's panties).
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Anonymous8: I think it would be funny if the writing said
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Anonymous9: they make thesde expressions cause zelda even takes down her panties =3
aww aren t they cute? XD
but ruto just looks best
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Anonymous10: this looks similar to a scene in sixteen candeles were this gut gets this girls panties and show all of his freinds, if yiu have no idea of what i'm talking about, then fuckin watch the movie.
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Anonymous11: 順番待ち - Junbanmachi - Waiting one's turn.
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Saria64: I cant believe it
Malon: so she is...
Ruto: the.....Chosen one...

Link: I'll give these to the woman of my dreams"
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Anonymous12: salty wenches for as they be...

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Anonymous13: …………………………………………..,-~~--,¸
……………………………………………….I’:;I;;;;¸,-*“¯. . . . . “*-\:;I:I:;I:;;;;;’\
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……………Pull yourself together,…………….”i. . .”-„„….:.. . .//¸/;;;/’:::,i/’
………………Wright.……………………………..”\. . … . . . …/’/;,-“.i¸,-“;/
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Anonymous14: They're just impressed Zelda took off her panties before her hat.
She must really like that hat.
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Anonymous15(14): Nah, but seriosly. What I think that happened is that they were betting their clothes in some kind of game against Link, when both Malon an Saria ran out of clothes, Zelda was their last chance to recover them.
Now, since Zelda has lost her panties, they can't bet anymore and can't possibly win back their clothes, so it's understandable their expressions. Now they have to return naked to their respective homes.
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ferretsniper: Triforce underwear would rock
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Anonymous16: Link stole her panties, came on them, returned them, and the other girls are now noticing the large cum stain on the back.
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Anonymous17: @15: Ruto is always naked, what in hells name would she care? Though her expression doesn't show any concern anyways...
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Anonymous18: zelda lost her underwear in a bet with link thats why hes holding them up in the bottom left corner
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Anonymous19: anon17: thats why shes like..."wtf?"
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Anonymous20(19): anon13 wins...and lol
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Anonymous21(19): link has lucky cat thing eyes
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Anonymous22: If text says they're waiting for their turn... then why is zelda still undressing (it's her turn) and the rest is already naked? Or... the turn is not for undressing but for dressing? WTF is this picture supposed to be?
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Anonymous23: its zeldas turn to undress
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Anonymous24: they are waiting their turn to be screwed by me or link...
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Anonymous25: Perhaps they are sharing a pair of underwear that has been involved in various sexual acts between link and the girls. Haven't any of you read any good hentai or erotic novels. Wearing the dirty underwear is a turn-on.
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Anonymous26: Anon 13 wtf? Anon 16 no zelda would notice cuz its wet.
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Anonymous27(26): Ha ha link is like "check out wut i gotz" saria and malon are like "oh shit" ruto is like "huh"
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Anonymous28: Iink was here
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Anonymous29: you fucking legend link you fucking lucky legend
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Anonymous30: Na da da daaaaa you got zelda's panties you have unlimited lives ..... Oh no zelda's got a sword Link run for your lives!!!
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l0rd0ct0d0rk: c-c-c-c-combo breaker!!!!
by the way, link's face looks like chiyo-chan's dad, the cat dude, from Azumanga
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Anonymous31: They're seeing what about Zelda is considered "legendary".
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Anonymous32: OMG She has crap sticking out!
Thats why there suprised
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Michaelgiles2: Lol anon 30
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Anonymous33: We need MOAR with these four at that age in the same pic.
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rabbidpichu: As to why they're so concerned, it's not every day you get to see a princess undressed
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Anonymous34: The text translates to "waiting"

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