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TagsAsh_Ketchum, Jessie, Lopunny, Pikachu, Porkyman, Rule_63, Team_Rocket, Utsuo-kami
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Anonymous1: what
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Synonymous_Red_X: OH

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Anonymous2: I'm confused...
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Anonymous3: ash turns out to be one hot sexy rabbit!
nice boobs
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Anonymous4: lul
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Anonymous5: It's a lopunny, no a rabit.
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Anonymous6(5): An hot lopunny. No a rabbit.
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Anonymous7: So ash was a lopunny the whole time! It all makes sense now...This is some crazy shit.
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Anonymous8(7): Her and Pikachu have a *hump, hump* few things to discuss. lol
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Generic_Username: wut
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Anonymous9: =D my soul died
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Anonymous10: wish i was ash
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Gremrat: I love myself some giantess clothes bursting porn, but... this made my clitoris die a little.
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Anonymous11: he loks like somthing from hel in pic 2 and somthing from hewen in last scuare
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Master_of_Fail: Ash Ketchum waited. The sun above him dimmed and faded out behind some clouds. There were Porkyman in the tall grass. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His questions for Professor Oak were not listened to, and now it was too late - far too late for now, anyway. Ash was a Porkyman trainer for fourteen years. When he was young, he watched the tall grass and he said to dad "I want to be in the tall grass." But his dad said "No! You will BE KILLED BY Porkyman!" There was a time when he believed him. But as he got older, he had stopped. But now, in the Eterna Forest of the Sinnoh Region, he knew there were Porkyman. "This is Professor Oak" the radio crackled. "You must capture the Porkyman!" So Ash got his Pikachu and had it use thunderbolt. "HE IS GOING TO CAPTURE US!" thought the Porkyman "I will use High Jump Kick." said the Buneary and it attacked. Ash had Pikachu try to use thunder on it and tried to zap it. But it missed, and the surrounding trees fell, and they were trapped; not able to battle. "No! I must capture the Porkyman!" Ash shouted. The radio said "No, Ash. You are the Porkyman." And then Ash was a Lopunny.
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Gremrat: Master of Fail: Funny, but you live up to your name for the proper grammar. :(
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Master_of_Fail: I had to fix it. It would have killed me dead to leave it in its original state ;_;
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Anonymous12: A fitting end, Ash turned into a Porkyman. Now go zap Misty.
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Anonymous13: Wait... wasn't there some faggy episode where Ash turned into a pikachu or some crap?
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Anonymous14: "The radio said "No, Ash. You are the Porkyman." And then Ash was a Lopunny."
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Anonymous15: lol I love's pikachu face in the 2nd panel
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Anonymous16: WTF??????
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Thatoneguy: Dead clitoris? Onoes!
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Thatoneguy: How will Rat react?
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Anonymous17: BIBIBI!
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Anonymous18(17): Agree with Anon 9..
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Excitebike: Again with this "SUDDENLY... YOU'RE A FAT Porkyman" fetish....

Japanese people are fucking weird.
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Anonymous20: WUT
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Speak: WOOOO! BIBIBI ... gotta go try that magical spell out
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Anonymous21: Lopunny > Gardevoir :3
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Anonymous22: man ash is lucky to turn into such a hot lopunny, and then get caught by jessie, damn, all thats missing is a strap-on
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Anonymous23: Needs more weegee
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Anonymous24: BI BI BI BI!!! omg, it's that robot from that rogers show!
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Anonymous25: Um...that's gross...And I like Buneary
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Anonymous26: vaya, vaya, vaya cada dia me sorprendo mas jaja
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Anonymous27: And thus concludes our lecture on the creation of Bucky O'hare.
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TheMetallic: What is this, I don't even....
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Anonymous28: MY GOD.

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