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TagsFluffy, Foster's_Home_for_Imaginary_Friends, Goo_Goo_GaGa, Mac, featured_image
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Info827x1090 // 433KB // jpg
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...It's working too well.
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Anonymous34Poster: O.o Goo......
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MR_Furry: don't you love this fluffy guy art ? i do
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Anonymous2: -Shlick
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Anonymous3(1): I can't blame her. If I were female, I'd be doing that too.
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Anonymous4: But you're male, and you doing FAP FAP!
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koujira: holy cow this is adorable..
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Anonymous5: Where's his penis?
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Rat: lol she's shlicking
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Anonymous6(1): A4: In that tiny, tiny bikini bottom he's wearing. You can see the outline of it.
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Anonymous7: Now, the question is, since Goo can create imaginary friends that look human, but make her own changes to them, one episode she creates a Mac that has a long spotted tounge, is this the real mac cross dressing or is this her special imaginary version of him
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Anonymous34Poster: >>42232

Goo totally imagined him. Also, I'd tap that.
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Scrounge: I'm so glad I'm bi, because otherwise this would have made me gay. :)
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Nonymous: i dont know where to ask this so i'll just do it here. Is it possibleto upload images from WinRAR? If it is, how do you do it?
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Anonymous8: The only way, that I know, to upload images is from the main page using the 'browse' option..
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Anonymous9(8): The only way, that I know, to upload images is from the main page using the 'browse' option.. I doubt it's possible otherwise..
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Anonymous10(1): Nonymous: You'd probably have to extract the images first.
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Anonymous11: Holy Funk... I was fappin' along thinkin it was a chick then I read the comments...
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ChopstickForge: Damn it Fluffy, stop that.
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Anonymous12: Well, shit, I'm bi now.
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Anonymous13: hey goo, cut it out. you're making me hot.
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Amun-Ra: There's no going back, anon 8.
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Anonymous14: I've gone through bi, past gay, and am plunging helplessly into the catholic clergy. And I still can't stop fapping.
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Mudkip: O.O
I thought that was frankie. MY EYES! MYYYYY EEEEYYYYYEEESSSS!!!
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Jeb: pussy.
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Jeb: (he lacks one)
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SinEater: You don't need a pussy when you look as delicious as he does ;)
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An_Onymous: What Scrounge said. Although, really, literally speaking Anon 9's phrasing, i.e. making the viewer bi, makes more sense than making the viewer gay. Assuming a male viewer (as is our wont, given that we are Anon and this be the interbutts ;) ), this pic adds attraction to males, but (presumably) does nothing to stop attraction to females. Thus, if the viewer starts out straight, he is made bi by such things as Trap Mac and Bridget. At a later stage he may progress beyond traps to regular men. (To head off a shitstorm, I'd like to point out that I am only half serious here. :) )

LOL at Goo admiring her work. XD
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Anonymous15: Goo is soo Evil to mac
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Anonymous16: Oh, Mac makes an EXTRA SPECIAL HAWT neko-boy!
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Anonymous17: Is it a trap?
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Anonymous18(17): I hope he can have an erection that's all i'm saying :D!
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Anonymous19: Okay did Cat Mac come from an episode or something because I'm very confused.
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that: I just pout bleach in my uretha everytime I get aroused by other men. It works great.
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Abaddon: Is that a belly ring?
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Anonymous20: Strange how I think this actually did make me gay. Thank goodness its only for cross dressers.
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Anonymous21: Stupid sexy mac...!

Making me lean closer to being Bi...
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Anonymous22: I hate myself for liking this.
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Faptacular: ROFL at fearful-crouching-masturbating Goo!
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Anonymous24: Yes anon 16, it is a trap. A trap I fully intend to 'spring'.
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Darth_Vader: How dare this artist attempt to make me Fap to a Trap.

I shall destroy his Planet.
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Anonymous25: I can really only say one thing about this.

I'd hit it like the fist of an angry god, 17 times, every day.
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Anonymous26: It's stuff like this that made me bi <.< Not that it's bad or anything <3
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Anonymous27: sauce
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Anonymous28: DO WANT
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FuyuKitsune: lol "fap fap fap"
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Eipok_Kruden: Because of Neko-Mac pics like this, I now like Mac more than Ben Tennyson. A lot more. Before these, Ben used to be my favourite cutest male cartoon character. Second favourite was Jet from Avatar ;p Upon more contemplation, I decided that Jet is second and Ben is third. Neko-Mac, on the other hand, could tell me to wear a pretty pink dress with frills and even wear a corset. And you know what? I'd fucking do it.
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Titanium: It's okay to feel gay now. Prop 8 was overturned.
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NO U!!

need to think of things that'll make me straight again. like hot furries. ummm <_< >_> <_>??

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Anonymous30: Awesome feature is awesome.
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8o8: oh titanium
now that makes sense
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WTF: anon 26.... i feel likewise
minus the hitler thing
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kyle724: Congrats to all my same sex lovin brothers, sisters and bristers
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Bode: why is this featured, it's not even horrifying
oh, prop 8, ok.
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Anonymous31: Do I see a cock?
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broman88: Rule 8 is overturned, but what about the obscure one?
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traffik: OK, seriously... Bridget who?
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Katsutomai: BAM.. Right in the sexuality.. Damn you, Fluffy.. DAMN YOU! fapfapfapfapfap
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DEM: This picture raped, killed and raped again my heterosexuality.
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sycotic: damn it fluffy and your fucking neko cheat codes
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HeartlessWanderer: ...and once again fluffy cat mac makes the feature again...Woo!
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Anonymous32: No Eurotrish :(
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O_Rly: What a ghey feature.
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QingLong: I second that ^
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Anonymous33: I'm laughing at everyone who realizes it's a guy and they all go "OH MAN I GUESS I'M GAY NOW"
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Anonymous34: Anon29 enjoys huge hard cocks.
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Au_clair_de_la_lune: small details, creep me out, fluffy creeps me out , the worst part of his drawings are the necklaces, my soul is frozen in terror because of his drawings
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Anonymous35: Gaze upon what you'll be fapping to tonight and despair.
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Anonymous36(30): Anon29: Cock size generally doesn't matter when they are girly boys.
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Anonymous37: By far not the ususal mindscarring quality of the ususal featured images.
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GrandMaster: This is almost like a political cartoon if Mac is labeled as gay rights and Goo Goo is the Religious right masturbating to the idea of being able to act oppressed despite controlling a disproportionate amount of the political and economic power in the world.
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srsly I thought from the thumbnail we already had done this.
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Anonymous38: Au_clair, what necklaces? You mean his clavicle line?

Also, Anonymous1, not everyone values massive cocks as highly as you do. The fact that he looks dainty, soft, and tiny is kind of the point when you're dealing with shota stuff isn't it?
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Anonymous39: meh figured it was a male in the swimsuit just because of two things 1. most rule 34s of females increase their bust by at least 1 cup and 2. its featured thus its gonna be something that titanium thinks will mindfuck at least 1 person
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-D-: *Fapfapfap
Scrolling down...
-Oh my...!!!
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WTF: biggest fukin trap ever
y'kno what?
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Anonymous40: That barely qualifies as a penis. With that said, I think all of you maybephobes can rest easy
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Anonymous41(40): That barely as a penis. With that said, I think all of you maybephobes can rest easy lol.
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Padoga: I don't mind looking at this, it's to feminine to be gay to me.
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Demonboy: Wow. I can't believe it. A feature I can actually fap to. The world just got a little more brighter.
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Anonymous42: Awful Feature is Awful
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Anonymous43: oh hawt nice *looks down* WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL
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Anonymous44: sineater: Yes, yes you do.
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broman88: I see no penis
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Anonymous45: I got a half boner, scrolled down, it died. My sexuality is still as straight as my wood...... wait
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Anonymous46: Hmm.... I'm not turned on, but I still though Mac was cute. Is that gay? Or maybe I'm over reacting.
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kyle724: I'd wreck mac. Also Suspicious shilck is suspicious
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Anonymous47: I'm twelve and what is this?
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Anonymous48: Goo see's what he is doing thar.
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HitodamaKyrie: At first I was like, "who's the cute girl?" Then I noticed she looked like Mac, so I looked at the tags for the rule 63 bit. Then I was like "Oh shi-"

Damn you Rule 34!
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Vorin: But wait I don't live in California.
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Anonymous49: 1. ^^^You are all faggots. 2. Fundamental fail, Fluffy. For fucks sake, Stop featuring faggotry, fucking fairies/closet queers (ie YOU, futanari fans) 3. Rule 172: Bras on bitches, boners on boys, period. Get it right or admit your homosexuality and try sucking a cock, like you "accidentally" or "are forced to" in your unpublished fanfic (which I would have far less of a problem with than your denial and excuses; check out Scott Thompson's performance in Brain Candy if you want to see how you look to the rest of us). 4. My bizarre obsession with alliteration and double post don't make you any less of a homo, faggots.
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Padoga: ^why'd ya post it twice, also some of these ppl who comment on this are not all serious, some say stupid shit for fun, they're not all faggots
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8o8: try proving your point with just 1 post anon 43 & 44.
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8o8: btw samefag (43 and 44)
you point yourself as a faggot since anon 44 point anon 43 and the others as faggots
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iKami: Yay! This is what got me drawing 34 in the first place!
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Anonymous50(38): Faggotry is AWESOME... Scott Thompson's performance in Brain Candy is AWESOME!!
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Anonymous51: oh please that is barely feature worthy
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furriehentaiboy16: man i love traps.....
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Gothzilla: *blinks* AHEM. Speaking as a faggot, I think I can safely say...

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Sintime: It's always things like this that get featured, either really gay or terrible art ( that is gay)
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Anonymous52(35): CRY SOME MORE.
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Anonymous53: dammit
why couldnt the little girls at typhoon lagoon swim in those XD
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Anonymous54: im bi so this is good faping to me
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anonarchist: SHLICK SHLICK
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kyle724: the closeted gay rage is lolsome
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Anonymous55: He's a pretty pretty princess.
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Anonymous56: Shota Catboy Mac FTW!
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Anonymous57: GrandMaster just BLEW MY MIND.
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Anonymous58: What episode was catmac in?
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Anonymous59: there should be more Catmac. In honor of this feature.
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AdamCarlisle69: Random: Steve: Ah! My Thumb! Roger: Steve Now Say "Charly They Took Mah Thumb!" Lol
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iKami: @Anon52 - I'm working on it!
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Anonymous60: Can someone color this pic?
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Urbane_Guerrilla: "GawdammitCatmac, yagonnastretch'emouttashape!"
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Anonymous61: its a trap run away!!!
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Anonymous62: Wait a minute... thats a guy???

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Urbane_Guerrilla: Anon51 is telling a little joke.
@Anon55: maybe catbois like >>305568 are the flavor you prefer.
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doodiedooer: i once got my dick raped by a guy who totally looked like this kid. i hate to admit, but it felt far better than having sex with a chick.
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Anonymous63: i almost fap to this........fuck it im still faping to this anyway to step closer to being bi
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Anonymous64: I wow at all of you thinking your heterosexuality is ruined. Seriously, this is no different than a Rule 63.
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Anonymous65: ^ Except it's not because Mac's still got a cock and no tits.
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Anonymous66: Mac NEEDS a big UNCUT DICK and a FAT set of NUTS!!! Mmmmmm..
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boyofmind3: male or not, I would tap that, so fucking hard!

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