Tenzin had an incestuous relationship with Aang and he fucks Korra simply because she reminds him of his dad.
"Oh father, how I've missed you. *pelvic thrust*" but Korra is too caught up the heat of the moment and doesn't notice.
caelenvasius: Tenzin like's his women young...just look at him and Pema. He's 51, she's 35, 16 YEAR DIFFERENCE! Whats another 18 years younger to him? (Korra (17) is 18 years Pema's junior).
I guess the saying is true, "logic means nothing when air and water mingle"
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Tenzin had an incestuous relationship with Aang and he fucks Korra simply because she reminds him of his dad.
"Oh father, how I've missed you. *pelvic thrust*" but Korra is too caught up the heat of the moment and doesn't notice.
I would read it.
no body fucks uncles quite like you