PinkBallons: @posted4you: Right? Why do people have to bitch about how much they hate ponies/sonic? Why can't this just be love between two people that are clearly meant for one another? Whatever, clearly I'm expecting far too much out of the internet again.
bAv-R34: @Anonymous1: >fad
>has 834 more posts than Sonic Team
Hahaha, no.
@PinkBallons: Sonic didn't have any good games since like, the 90's. The cartoons were okay, but Sonic X killed it with that fucking human kid, and the comics are friggin' weird.
CrotchboobAddict: lol Sonic for the Genesis was one of my first game ever.. Sonic 1-3 and Sonic CD, great games but they haven't really produced anything great since then, haven't really played any other Sonic game though.. And I remember that kick-ass intro for Sonic satam.
Anonymous3: God damn it guys can we please have ONE of these posts without the usual bullshit arguing over nothing? If you don't like it, don't click it. Fuck.
Kirapac: Sonic and Rainbow Dash actually have a lot in common character-wise. One does a Sonic spindash, one does a Sonic Rainboom. They both race and try to go fast. They're both athletic. They're both blue. They both have dick personalities.
Anonymous7: Man I fell the most sympathy to furry haters they just don't understand us. The people that hate furries are usually scared of their own sexuality preference. So they have to find fault of others to make them feel good knowing they are lowly living beings with nothing to do but hate others they don't understand.
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Ponies are not even anthro's and an abomination to all hentai lovers, pathetic fad needs to die.
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>has 834 more posts than Sonic Team
Hahaha, no.
@PinkBallons: Sonic didn't have any good games since like, the 90's. The cartoons were okay, but Sonic X killed it with that fucking human kid, and the comics are friggin' weird.
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But I don't really get the Sonic fandom
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