Dick_Chappy: @Anon6
What, were you born on a planet in perciae eight?
You knew it would happen, especially since in Oblivion and other Elder Scrolls games had all sorts of R34 based off of primarily Khajiit and Argonian things.
Now can we get this man some common facts here?
NekoKnight: What the hell man!, i dont care if it was to ever be turned into an online game, i like it just the way it is, i just think it would be neat to finally be able to play it together with my friends who also enjoy it.
NekoKnight: the games themselve are perfect as is, going online just might mess up the whole thing but i cant say i wouldnt mind some help on some quest.
Anonymous10(2): To anon6 look up the_elder_scrolls in the rule 34 search engine and you will see more picks like this than any other kind ( yes the dashes are required )
Anonymous13: It's not like they're abandoning the single player elder scrolls in favor of MMOs, it's being made by a seperate dev team on the side. I, for one, think it has potential, and if it turns out to be utter shit, then we just sweep it under the rug and forget about it, as it won't effect bethesda's churning out wonderful single player games every few years.
Anonymous20: I actually had a dream last night where I was in some prison in Skyrim and was trying to escape and there was this hot female Kajiit who was a prisoner there as well so I freed her and after we escaped she tanked me by giving me this awesome blowjob. This pic reminds me so much of that dream.
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What, were you born on a planet in perciae eight?
You knew it would happen, especially since in Oblivion and other Elder Scrolls games had all sorts of R34 based off of primarily Khajiit and Argonian things.
Now can we get this man some common facts here?
Does this attractive and successful African think this is the first Fur pic of Elder Scrolls?
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Fishing increased to 69.
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