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UploaderJuni221, avatar
TagsMetroid, Samus_Aran, rp-art
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Info588x781 // 389KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: attractive and successful African
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Anonymous2: Samus is a black girl?
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Anonymous3: Hmm...something's off about this samus pic, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
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NephtheStampede: They call me... Black Samus... White Moses...
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samus_aran: hmmm well thats one way to look at it
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TheKommissar: aids in space?
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Anonymous4: If first metroid game came out during the 90s or later, she would've been black or at least tanned
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samus: I like my skin the way it is.
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Franky_Whiskey: Sambo Aran
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ChaosInuYasha: Its not a bad pic. Also I'm wagering Anon1 and Kommisar are only saying racist/offensive stuff cause they can't/wont in real life less they get thier tiny brains knocked out of their thick skulls.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ yeah, that's quite the intelligent man's answer: Beat the fuck out of every racist because of what they just say/write.
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AnOniMouse: ^^ And I agree with Franky.
Everyone may have their oppoinion, even if that opponion is wrong.

Not that we shouldn't beat the fuck out of the rascist, a little targetted violence is always fun, but that picking faceless users on the shitterwebs is not the place to start.
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Anonymous5: chocolate coated samus
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ChaosInuYasha: @Franky - I'm not saying we SHOULD beat them for what they say I'm just saying if they called a black person the N word or said they had aids for being black they'd get beaten for it. I myself am more for the 'teaching you why you're wrong through facts and diplomacy' mentality. That way we can atleast try to teach them why they may be wrong. It may not work but its alot better than just stooping down to their level and beating the shit out of 'em.
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Anonymous6: @ChaosInuYasha so you're saying that black people are violent and will mug you for insulting them?
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Anonymous7: @anon6 Nah it's that they would skip the robbery and the white guys would join in.
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Anonymous8: YAY RACISM
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Anonymous9: Fuckin' idiots, its just a fuckin' picture dumbass's. ...hugs for everyone
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Anonymous10: its sad that people have to make a racist joke everytime a black person is in a image,go fuck yourselve's you racist, bitch ass, ball sucking, sad excuses for people.
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Anonymous11: attractive and successful African please
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Anonymous12: I hates them
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Spoon227: Cant we just enjoy the lorn and not get into the racial issue?
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Anonymous13(10): Wow, arguements on a porn site... you people really have hit a new fucking low in your lives, bunch of fat dumbass's probably can't even see your own dick's without sitting.
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BlueFoxLover: It's an ends that won't justify the means. People won't learn and feel they can get away with anything over the internet. People get offended because they is so much they can take of the usages and practices. It can be ignorance or for attention but the fact that dark-skinned, or black, character is on a pic turns out to be the biggest issue is not needed. This needs to stop. Look past the "black" or "white" and just enjoy, hate, or constructively criticize an image. Stop tearing apart just because it doesn't fit "your" tastes.
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Anonymous14: i am white and my gf is african
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Anonymous15: not sure if Samus...or Rule 63d Anthony Higgs.

(and about racist commenters: how about shut up and fap?)
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Anonymous16: What's with the medical glue?
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Anonymous17: Hey wait a minute. Samus isn't a brunette!
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Anonymous18: This is actually a welcome change
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Anonymous19: Body like that, and you fags are complaining?

Holy shit..
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Anonymous20(16): Adam has authorized Samus to eat fried chicken.
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Anonymous21: Cracker ignorant dog!
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Anonymous22: She is hardly african on that pic, More like asian/caucasian mix with dark skin. Titties is waaaay to big, but othewise she's awesome, and i like her pink lips :3
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Anonymous23: Chocolate Samus. Me like.

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