Anonymous2: XD weekend? Try every night for the past year and a half up to seven times a night. I ain't even 17.
Kind of sad, but oh well. Internet's got a bottomless supply until the day I finally get real pussy.
As long as I got a hand, a great sight filled with great drawings, and 12 gigabytes of porn for when the internet's down... I can only dream of day I get some real ass.
- Reply
Good thing I'm not one of that half. Never wanted to take part in alcohol orgies.
Kind of sad, but oh well. Internet's got a bottomless supply until the day I finally get real pussy.
As long as I got a hand, a great sight filled with great drawings, and 12 gigabytes of porn for when the internet's down... I can only dream of day I get some real ass.
Want to get fucked by a male dragon for soooo damn long.