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Anonymous1: isnt renamon a girl??? WTF
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Anonymous2: gender reassignment^^
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Anonymous3: They both have the figures of women, but they both have dicks and boobs. They're herms.
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dojofish: Herms....:P
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Anonymous4: Herms FTW
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Anonymous5: correction you cant tell if they are Herms. Herms have a dick and pussy. From what i can tell these are shemales
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Anonymous6: wtf ar herms
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Anonymous7: herm is short for hermaphrodite, which is an individual who bares both male and female reproductive parts. a 'natural' example would be plants, which can even self pollinate. in the case of a furry, its usually a 'female' furry with a dick over pussy, as Anonymous #5 said in fewer and less detailed words.
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Anonymous8: Who cares.. These 2 are creamy hot!