Greatfullded7: This is basically a remastered version of my first work, >>806304. I started a scratch with R_A's pencil drawing of it. I make bolder, cleaner black outlines compared to the previous one. The color in Me-mow's eyes and stripes are redone. Jake's skin color is closer to his own in the cartoon. Machine text was added. So overall, this is how you would say, "HD" compared to the first.
I also used LAYERS! I used one layer for the base (pencil), another for outlines, and another for color. Thus, color fills the outlines FAR better, and no pencil lines remain! :D
Greatfullded7: Attention, everybody! I might be gone for awhile because of family issues. My mother is gonna divorce my alcoholic father because of a violent domestic dispute yesterday. So violent, I panicked into an anxiety attack and called 911. My mom will move out the house to be alone with me and my brother. All she wants is "to be happy without your daddy".
Anonymous4: Guys this is serious shit. No "uhhs" or "okay"s.
I'm just gonna drop the subject before things get out of hand. And Blu, I finished a Stealth Elf pic which will be uploaded later tonight. It took me a shitload of time to do, especially her eyes and the Christmas tree. (Image >>764598). All images I upload will not be gigantic sized around 1150x2000 like R_A does. It will be 45% the size, around 700x900.
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I also used LAYERS! I used one layer for the base (pencil), another for outlines, and another for color. Thus, color fills the outlines FAR better, and no pencil lines remain! :D
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He means the Stealth Elf pics I drew a few months ago. If you would, do you think you can color them in? :)
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Alright then. Here ya go:
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Uhh, alright then... Hope things get better...
I'm just gonna drop the subject before things get out of hand. And Blu, I finished a Stealth Elf pic which will be uploaded later tonight. It took me a shitload of time to do, especially her eyes and the Christmas tree. (Image >>764598). All images I upload will not be gigantic sized around 1150x2000 like R_A does. It will be 45% the size, around 700x900.
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There's a bit of requests I'm doing right now Aye, I'll let you know when I can get to it. Sorry.
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It WOULD hurt like hell though, and if she bites hard enough with those extremely sharp teeth of her's...yeaaaah...not pleasant.
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Truer words have never been spoken...