Anonymous3: darnact is back! The king has returned.
the best news of this horrible week, after learning that will expendables 2 is pg-13.
Gaz's new design is fantastic. these shorts are fucking hot.
although, I do not really like the new design tak, I find it very thin, on the other hand, I think design is more correct, knowing that she is a Irken.
I hope you keep drawing these 2 girls (Gaz and tak), since you are great at that.
your pic of the simpsons was great, but there is much hentai of them. invader zim in there is almost, and most are pictures without quality.
will wait your next drawing invader zim:D or better yet, a mini comic gaz in school.
shatteredmirror: well I dont like the incestuous idea of dib fucking gaz, I know theyre probably not actual siblings naturally, but they have that brother and sister rol, XD enough of freud analizing =P I love the way you draw anyways! so stylized and sexy :)
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Particularly like the one in the top left.
the best news of this horrible week, after learning that will expendables 2 is pg-13.
Gaz's new design is fantastic. these shorts are fucking hot.
although, I do not really like the new design tak, I find it very thin, on the other hand, I think design is more correct, knowing that she is a Irken.
I hope you keep drawing these 2 girls (Gaz and tak), since you are great at that.
your pic of the simpsons was great, but there is much hentai of them. invader zim in there is almost, and most are pictures without quality.
will wait your next drawing invader zim:D or better yet, a mini comic gaz in school.
what do you have against him darnact, did he raped you when you where a child?
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Best interperetation of Gaz of all time.
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She's probably thinking "Am I done here yet? I got things to do..."