BM-DUB: arument about who gets finn's dick queen wins cause of them tittes...and dat ain't no ass - it's a space station!...i say that finn should bang both at same time...then agin thats like fucking urself so......
Anonymous7: anon 3 and 4 we dont do that unless we are bored to deth or if most of us are so drunk we cant stand up correctly if i remember correctly at a party almost every body was drunk but me and then a guy sugested that we have a boob comperison test apparently being sober for a long time means you have larger brest because i won but the guys started to get a little grabby so i left
Anonymous8(7): also i never had a brest implant in my life so i won by being born and raised with good sised boobs no wonder boys in my class loved sitting buy me in gym
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