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TagsAsh_Ketchum, Nurse_Joy, Porkyman, WDJ
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Rat: I don't blame the guy..
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Anonomos: Wow... I wish my physicals went that way...
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Anonymous1: yours dont?
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Anonymous2: What was she expecting? A bill?
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Captain__Planet: Damn, Ash. You have NO staying power.
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Anonymous3: I believe this is made by either an American or a Mexican... In 1998/1999
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big_balls: i want joy to give me a physical to lol
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Anonymous4: actually tis a polish guy, see the bottom left corner
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Anonymous5: Don't forget Poland
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Anonymous6: ash: nurse joy can you check my penis is ok i don't think i can pee can you rub it?
nurse joy rubs his cock and then cums on front of her!
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An_Onymous: I admit that I have sometimes found myself getting turned on during physicals and allowed myself to enjoy the sensation, although I've never actually had an orgasm during one. There is someone I know who apparently did once, though.
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evilpika: That must have been a tad awkward...
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An_Onymous: Not as much as you might think, I suspect. Medical professionals are trained to deal with all sorts of involuntary reactions from patients, and it's quite likely that this wasn't the only time something along these lines happened with this doctor. From what I've heard (directly or indirectly) from people who work in this field, it's fairly common for people to become visibly aroused during checkups, and it proceeding all the way to orgasm is far from unknown. Besides, doctors and nurses would be more aware than the general population of just how involuntary and automatic arousal and orgasm really are, so that would also be a factor in minimizing awkwardness (as far as the doctor/nurse was concerned, at any rate). At any rate, the doctor in this one case just calmly, matter-of-factly cleaned up the ejaculate and continued with the checkup as if nothing had happened.
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Tintin: So doctors are cool with ejaculate so long as it's not directly shot onto their faces? Because that would be something of a health risk, I'd imagine.
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An_Onymous: @#8: Not that you'll believe me, but actually none of that came from Wikipedia. I am also a little bit irritated at times by the phenomenon you describe (in part because relying too heavily on Wikipedia contributes negatively to one's ability to search for information in more serious, specialized resources such as scholarly or trade journals), but I have to admit that even Wikipedia-generated instant pseudo-expertise is better than ignorance.

@Tintin: I haven't heard specifically of a case involving ejaculate on the face, but if it wasn't actually into an area with more permeable tissues (mouth, nose, etc.) it could be wiped off with the same impunity as if it landed on another area. As for the patient actually coming in the doctor's mouth, that seems like a very unlikely event, given the way patient and doctor would normally be positioned in circumstances like this. Also, I'd imagine competent medical workers would know better than to do what this nurse did, pointing a penis that's obviously in danger of firin' its lazer directly at their face.
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Anonymous8: Unfortunately, she's a vet, not a doctor.
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An_Onymous: Well then by doing this at all she's doing it wrong.
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Tintin: @Ony: I think people get pissed off at you because the tone you use is rather Wiki-esque, and they think you're trying to show them up. I do the same thing because my writing style is often pretty stilted or overly formal, but it's really just a habit. Fortunately I have a natural-sounding vocal pattern or else I'd sound hella Aspergerian.
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Rule34d: Or maybe its because you write WAY TO FUCKING MUCH
tl;dr that shit
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Opty: @ Anon9:...I thought she was a nurse. Generic sort of term though.
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Gremrat: Rule34d, are you having your period this week?
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An_Onymous: I'm sorry if this bothers people; it's a habit for me too. I honestly don't mean to sound smart or show people up with this sort of comment; I'm generally only trying to provide information that I think might be useful in some way, although I understand why people might get the impression that I'm acting narcissistic. Do you have any suggestions for sounding less "Wiki-esque"?

@Rule34d: Rage less. Srsly.
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Tintin: The wonderful thing about tl;dr is that YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO.
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Tintin: Also, @ Ony: I like the tone you use. Never change, baby!
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pomponio: Yeah, you're awesome
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Rule34d: *facepalm*
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An_Onymous: @Tintin: Thx. I wasn't seriously considering making any big changes, at any rate; I don't intend to please *everyone* here.
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An_Onymous: Guys, I think we'd better end this discussion. It's gotten really meta and you all complimenting me like this makes it hard for me to respond in any fashion without looking narcissistic in some way, hence Rule34d's partially justified facepalming.
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Gremrat: Hey Tintin, An On, get on irc!!
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Rule34d: Yes and An Onymous yah know I love yah. You just make scrolling so damn hard
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DajO: And there was peace once again in Rule34.paheal
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Rule34d: ^Who the hell are you?
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DajO: The new guy?
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Tintin: Grem Grem Grem it won't let me onnnn.... "Too many connections from your host"!
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Gremrat: Rule34d has had a crippling fear of new guys ever since... the incident. We're still working on rebuilding his trust, but we have some severe issues to work over.
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Rule34d: Oh ok... stay close to the rest of them and you'll have a better chance of not being broken in by gremrat (in a strap on way)
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Gremrat: Tintin: Yeah, I just got kicked off for that reason :( Bizarre...
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Rule34d: and don't touch me
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Rule34d: Last two comments were at DajO
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An_Onymous: I just had re-entry touble as well. Ah well, there are (admittedly probably flimsy) reasons I've never used IRC before.
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DajO: I shall try not to, but i can't make any promises...
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Deadpool: ....ya this is gettin kinda wierd
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Gremrat: Strap-ons are for wusses. Real women use HAMMERS.
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Mudkip: I thought you used power-drills!
Or at least you did for me ;_;
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@Mudkip: Awww.
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Gremrat: All tools are pretty good, I just use hammers as a generic example. Don't cry, Mudkip!! I liek you ;-;
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Mudkip: :D
My world is a happy one again!
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Rule34d: and I can finally go to sleep
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Anonymous9: I'd use a power drill.
PS I'm a newfag, so what does IRC stand for?
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Gremrat: ...I can't remember. It's just a generic chat client.
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Mudkip: internet relay chat :D
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pomponio: Remember that old school chat system? There was a popular program back in the late 90's called mIRC... That's basically it
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Jeb: this got tl; dr pretty quick
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Anonymous10(9): wow, only 11 anonymouss
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An_Onymous: @Jeb: Yeah, it's probably better if you don't read it.
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Anonymous11(9): ok, thanks pomponio and mudkip and gremrat
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Anonymous12: Anon'3'4'5'6, WDJ is not from Poland, he's from Puerto Rico... and i beleive this pic was made in 2007... it is in his request page...
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Excitebike: What's this "incident" you're refering to?
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Anonymous13: titan shut the fuck up!!!!!!!
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nebula: When I was little, one time during a check-up, my doctor suddenly pulled my pants down to my knees, pulled back my foreskin, and tapped my kawk with her index finger. I had confused feelings for the rest of that day. A decade later, I find myself on Paheal. Coincidence? I think not .___.
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Endangered_Asian: Is Ash showing an AWESOME face?

>> lol
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Anonymous14: more like oral exam!
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QingLong: Brock would kill Ash after this
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Anonymous15: @Excitebike I think it was the DDOS attack

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