Gremrat: Did you know the stethoscope was invented by a doctor who was too embarrassed to listen to a chick's heart by pressing his head against her tit?
I guess we have to thank those prudes for SOME things...
Anonymous19: first thing, harry looks like a transvestite, second, his dick looks like its enchanted with a plastic spell, second, BOOMTIT lol XD and isnt harry like homosexual and belongs with dumbledore? i mean rly wtf is he doing with a hot ass chick lol! "Hermione, wait a second... i hear something!" pwnage anonymous 16
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I guess we have to thank those prudes for SOME things...
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I wonder what would happen when he would try to listen to a babys heartbeat... *shoves head inside pussy*
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"What is it?"
"Somebody screamed!"
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HARRY: "Yes, Hermione??"
HERMIONE: "That 'enlargement potion' didn't work Harry. I'm dumping you & going to fuck Ron instead."