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TagsLugia, Porkyman, Ticklishways
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Info1500x1936 // 1.6MB // png
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Anonymous1: Source?
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Anonymous2(1): Needs more source.
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Anonymous3(1): I like the way he draws the breasts, I really hope someone finds who drew this. :C
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Anonymous4: Was about to yell dupe, but it's a bigger version of >>730069 . You might want to tag the artist, too :3
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Anonymous5: I would love to be that guy rite now.
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Anonymous6: 'how to outsmart bullet'
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: overly large tits turn me off.
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champofgalacticretards: ys6321, look at abon2 as "i told you so". I told everyone same thing.
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champofgalacticretards: anon2, there is "more" source
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Anonymous7: Cculber007 you stupid dumass retarded shit eater, this pic is from deviantART!
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Anonymous8(7): And anon2, don't be such a lazy ass fucker, even I post the pic source not every one can watch because is block for non user or 'adult only'.
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Anonymous9: ThatsAkoolStoryBro will never get laid
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Anonymous10(9): i would so cum all over those tits
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champofgalacticretards: ys6321, you are one who is really dumb ass cuz you deon't know what the source means. you should be high-school dropout, retarded dolt. whaqt retarded chimp withyu bare ass!
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champofgalacticretards: also you are not an adult, you are 12 ye3ars old retarded pigface who ate too much manrues. You are real lazy ass fucker, not anon2. what dolt!
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Anonymous11(9): Cculber007 is a very good example of those very autistic faggots on here.
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Anonymous12(7): Cculber007 if you are 60year old faggot retarded fucker and planty of masturbating time, you should add source all the rest of the post without source.
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Anonymous13(7): And you are crazy stupid and old to think anon2 is smart enough to click the (source), faggot!
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champofgalacticretards: ys6321, you are not smart enough as Sherlock Holmes but like Iris said, "you are just a kid!"
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champofgalacticretards: anon9, you are really a perfect example of world's dumbest anonympous users who act liek kids and don't have real common senses that make you a losing faggot.
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Sintime: fight fight fight fight fight
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deathstriker: Well no matter the bad choice of words Ccuber007 used he was right on the subject at hand. ys6321, when you tag your uploads you should tag the link from the picture itself not the link from the artist's front page.
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Anonymous14(7): yeah what ever
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deathstriker: Its better that way.
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Anonymous15(7): no wonder most of the post without source :(
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deathstriker: Its still wrong and not helpfull in any way.
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rdobet: I like how only one other person mentioned the TF@ reference.
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rdobet: Tf2*...
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Godofdragons: Him: AAAAH LUGIA get ur tits off me I'm trying to finish my homework
Lugia: aaaw but u said we could fuck so I'm not leaving
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Anonymous16: *read comments* ...... im afrad to comment. um. i lol. um. if lugia look more humon female suold she not be nere a teen? he still young. but that's my opineon. lol to GodOfDragons. but yes i too would like to be him.
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Anonymous17(16): sould. nere that teen? opineon. (bad speller) oh and were is the tf2 bullet? my blasted dile up would not show the holl picher.
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Anonymous18: Fuck her first,then homework
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Anonymous19: WTF was with this pathetic argument? I think Lugia would be disappointed with you Anon7, and Sintime, don't encourage fights, it's pathetic. -_-'
Now to the image, I would want to be in that kid's position right now, like Anon16. :)
I'd give her a good massage before a good night of fun, see how flexible she would be. :D
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Anonymous20: Like I always say shut up and just fap (makes so much sense it rhymes
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Anonymous21: Story

???: entry #6. I have been kept in the cave of a lugia for the last month for her entertainment, but wait she has shrunk to about 4 feet taller than me, and I just noticed what she looks like and oh my lord is it a sight to behold. Her front of her torso is blue, and her breasts are quite large and firm, her large chest slimmed as it moved down to her waist and then grew large again at her hips, very sexy and her ass, oh what could I say, her to white cheeks were perfectly round, smooth and firm and they shook when she walked. She had a figure which only a few could match.
Lugia: I can not keep you here, it is hard to see you so unhappy, so I will let you out of here, on one condition.
???: what is it, I will do it, whatever it is.
She knelt down on the ground and clasped her hands together.
???: uhhhhhh, what are you doing?
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Anonymous22(21): Story

???: entry #6. I have been kept in the cave of a lugia for the last month for her entertainment, but wait she has shrunk to about 4 feet taller than me, and I just noticed what she looks like and oh my lord is it a sight to behold. Her front of her torso is blue, and her breasts are quite large and firm, her large chest slimmed as it moved down to her waist and then grew large again at her hips, very sexy and her ass, oh what could I say, her to white cheeks were perfectly round, smooth and firm and they shook when she walked. She had a figure which only a few could match.
Lugia: I can not keep you here, it is hard to see you so unhappy, so I will let you out of here, on one condition.
???: what is it, I will do it, whatever it is.
She knelt down on the ground and clasped her hands together.
???: uhhhhhh, what are you doing?
Lugia: please please PLEASE take me with you, I can't live without you!
???: um I don't know about that.( holy fuck that would be amazing, but I can't she's a Porkyman, and a legendary one at that, I'm just a man.)
I started to walk towards the entrance but Lucia ran after and clung to my legs and started sobbing.
Lugia: PLEASE! I'm begging you, I-I love you, Please!
???: ok, fine just let me get out my last master ball. ( yes! Reverse psychology, now I have a perfect figured, affectionate, and faithful partner forever.)
Lugia: oh thank you, thank you thank you!
She lunged towards me, we clung to each other and kissed a twenty second one, our tongues battling with each other. Then I threw my master ball ,and she dissapeared, I had caught Lugia, my perfect girl,now to get back home.

End of part 1
Stay looking for the next time of " a legendary life."
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Anonymous23(21): Sorry second version is the full story
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Anonymous24(21): Part 2 "home"

We had gotten home, the first thingies did was take her out of her pokeball, she walked with me from room to room as I explained what everything was, in my chateau.
???: and finally this is the guest luxury room.
I showed her a room that looked like it should belong in a ritz hotel.
???: this is where you will sleep.
Lugia: but, what about you?
???: I will stay in the master bedroom, you may freely explore the house, I will see you at dinner.
Lugia: ok.
Lugia looked all around the house, he had pictures of himself everywhere imaginable,but one thing she was glad of is that he had no pictures of himself with other girls.

At six, she met him in the grand dinning room, with a twenty foot long table, half a dozen servants walked around the room refilling the glasses and adding more food.
???: well I think it is time to turn in, goodnight Lugia, we have a lot to do tomorrow.
Lugia: good night,( my darling).
She walked down the hallway to her room flopped on the bed and fell asleep.

She woke about three hours later.
Lugia: I can't stand it! I have to be with him! He quietly crept down the hallway to the master bedroom, and opened the door. He was laying on the left side of the emperor sized bed with his face pointing towards the wall. She walked to the right side of the bed, pulled back the covers, got in, draped herarm over him and finally fell asleep.

End of part 2
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Anonymous25(21): I woke up to see the smiling face of Lugia looking down at me.
Lugia: (giggle) good morning! I brought you breakfast.
I looked her over she was now wearing a blue apron that went fom her chest to her knees,she also had on a black thong, but no top to match. I saw my breakfast, three pancakes, a side of hash browns and crispy bacon.
???: thank you very much I will meet you downstairs shortly.
Lugia: ok I'll get dressed.
???: yes I had my assistants get clothes for you yesterday evening.

I dressed in shorts, and a red collared shirt, I went downstairs and saw Lugia , sitting at the kitchen table, she was wearing cutoff jeans and a cutoff tank top, I guessed she cut them off herself.
Lugia: well, what are we going to do today?
???: well I think-
At that moment one of my guards at the perimeter fence burst in.
Guard; sir! There is a group,of five of the local punks approaching the boundaries!
???: just turn them back like everyone else.
Guard: yessir!
???: now, Lugia, I have to work on some papers right now, I will be in my study, feel free to do whatever you want. If you need me, my study is just to the right at the top of the stairs.

End of part 3
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Anonymous26: (18) great idea!
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Anonymous27: There is so much madness in these comments. Its just a FUCKING Picture, look at, fap, and be happy, not to nag to the person who posted the picture!!!!

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