Anonymous6: (to furryrevolution) Quite impeccable linework. I like your style of drawing. It draws out Smirnov's character in a way that I feel the comic misses.
(And, for crying out loud people, if you don't want to see stuff like this, WHAT are you doing on this site?!!)
Anonymous9: u kno, if some comic book artists would just make a good comic in which the main character and his love interest were both male there wouldn't need to so much 34 of it, now would there?
what have you done to my favorite noir furry
(P.D: Get out blacksad, I´m piss)
(And, for crying out loud people, if you don't want to see stuff like this, WHAT are you doing on this site?!!)
think before talking your just making ur self idiot
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