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Uploaderhalftooth, avatar
TagsCaitlyn, KimMundo, League_of_Legends, Miss_Fortune
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Info1059x800 // 478KB // jpg
- Reply
halftooth: Probably Im ganna colour this one
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Navitas: Alrighty, I'll hold off on it until you know for sure. And hot damn, new one!
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Anonymous1: Caitlyn and Miss Fortune, raped by the same guy?
Damn you, pre-nerf Graves!!!
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Anonymous2: Jesus christ, kimundo you are my god!
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Navitas: This is really Graves 2v1ing them, I agree, Anon1.
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Anonymous3: *wanking so much, cant breath, dies on the floor. God is created and resurrects me to continue, since it would be a crime against life to stop just because you're died*
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pyritey: Nice! Ty Kim for your amazing contributions. If you don't mind a request could you do one with Tango Evelynn? That would be so hawt :3
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Anonymous4: Oh my god I can't wait for this to be colored
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Anonymous5: A Leona one with Shyvana would be amazing.
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Anonymous6: faceless rapists are the best rapists
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Anonymous7: Karma please mundo
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Anonymous8: Leona + Ironscale Shyvanna would be perfect =D
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Anonymous9: Make one of Irelia and Akali.

That'd be good, right? :3
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Anonymous10: Oh shit this is amazing, can't wait for you to color it
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Navitas: Anon9 has the right idea.
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haspira: When is this going to be colored :(

Really good work btw!

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