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TagsAnnie, League_of_Legends, LilZdrawer, Ryze
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Info800x600 // 147KB // jpg
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Lilzdrawing: This is my plan for the flash animation, with Annie, didn't want a character that was too complex, I plan on adding 2 other positions on to this (obviously, a blowjob can only go so far) and Ryze will be the partner, I plan on using sound effects from the game, including character vocals, it was an absolute bitching finding and extracting them. So lemme know what you think, or if you think Annie would be the best choice or not, but if you don't see art from me for a while, the animation is why.
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Anonymous1: annie is the best choice, always.
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iReal: Dat eyebrow.
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Anonymous2: 1. I love you for this.
2. Annie is awesome, but as long as you're going with that body type, Tristana could be a good alternative option. An option for both would be cool, but I would enjoy either.
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Anonymous3(2): Take this cock and stick it... in your ass.
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Anonymous4: Do it
My penis demands it
I will have to control it as long as isnt finished, so please hurry
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Anonymous5: Eeew, not Ryze.

Hate that smurf!
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Anonymous6: Why must Ryze be the one enjoying all the blowjobs from Annie? Because of the potential lame puns (which anon3 perfectly demonstrated)? xD
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Anonymous7: give an option to make her naked/with bra+panties
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Anonymous8: I'd like trist more, but an annie is fine too.
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Roflcakes: Oh damn, you're making an animation? Fuck yeah.

Also, so much Annie 34 lately! Talk about overdue.
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Anonymous9: fuck off with your tristana shits you fags
annie ftw
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8o8: I aprove your idea Lilzdrawing.

yet i'd like too see Dr. mundo instead of ryze.
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Anonymous10: anything but ryze
otherwise nice work, well done
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Anonymous11: make it karthus instead of ryze
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iReal: If it's Mundo, I won't even be able to fap after laughing so hard.
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Anonymous12: im on the tristana bandwagon as well, but annie is a fine choice indeed.
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Anonymous13: tristana :D
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Anonymous14(8): Mundo goes where he pleases, make it him, not ryze.
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Anonymous15: Dont do ryze. do some indeterminate male human. We all want to fantasise that annie is sucking our dick but it hard when the dick is purple.
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Anonymous16: No, man, Ryze is a fucking boss. I wanna get that attractive and successful African get his dick sucked. That attractive and successful African survived rune prison; he deserves it.
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Anonymous17: ___WHY___ Annie? Or even Tristana? Other one looks like 13-yo child and the other blue creature who doesn't seem any hot to me.
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Anonymous18(11): Anon 18 confirmed for disgusting adultphile.
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Anonymous19(15): Annie is perfect. but atleast have an option for a human penis. id like to imagine that shit was happening to me not some purple faggot.
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Anonymous20(2): ITT: People who get smurfed by Ryze
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Anonymous21: Sona on the way?
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Anonymous22: Ryze or mundo would be amazing
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Anonymous23: anon 20 has it right
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Anonymous24: She has two sets of eyebrows.
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Anonymous25: the bottom ones are just the impression of where the eye ends not another set 25
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Anonymous26: love her so much and i need a annie fuck now
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WickerMan: I approve of this animation idea! I'll certainly enjoy something like that :P
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Anonymous27: Obligatory "Yup! That tasted purple!" joke.

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