MikeOShay: I kinda inferred the appearance of Discord from the stained glass paintings on the wall in the first set of screencaps that got released. Also, why the fuck is Steven Magnet a weird-ass dragon thing and not his usual sea serpent self?
Anonymous10: Discord was a baby to the internet. A virgin. His first time needed to be special, and you had to ruin it with your "LOL ITS A RACE IM FIRST xDDDD" Youtube fag mentality.
imaajfpstnfo: Remember the times when movies were still good and video game series that are now nothing but blended shit like spyro and rayman started and disney had not yet sold their souls and cartoon network and nickelodeon were at least kinda good most of the time and everything was just overall better? Guess what. Boys didn't buy MLP toys back then.
AnOniMouse: ^It is isn't it. Such enthusiasim!
Also, back then imaajpstnfo, My little Pony looked like it was drawn in crayon, and there was a song every five minutes.
Also, Barry White was not in it and many of the main characters' voice actress didn't also do Adult Swim, equalling many lulz on youtube. Which also didn't exist. I'll admit many thing's qualities have decreased, but cartoons nowadays are doing quite well. I'll say there was quite a dip 3 or 4 years back though...
Anonymous22: Oh no... Here we go again.
There won't an ending to this colorful and sugared aids, it seems.
I hope the world ends. No madness, just plain disappointment...
Anonymous23: I love this. Trolls ratting REALLY REALLY badly on MLP on one side and on the other, rapid psychotic fucktard fanboys that embrace the MLP shit WAY TOO HARD.
Fuck, I like the show. Woke up early today to watch it. Brought me back some good memories of when I used to do that shit back when I was like twelve. But some of these fans, man ... some of these fans. Calm down and let the trolls rave. Yelling back only gets shit flying in two directions.
Anonymous25: So wait...
You fucking idiots can't properly code a website. You ban porn from other sites even when you don't get a DMCA. And you constantly elect gay shit as your featured images?
This place is really going to shit.
sexytree123: @anon33
Shut the fuck up. You have little taste in shows and porn. Although I will admit that if I see another dickgirl of any of the 6 main ponys I'm going to slap a bitch. Discord has the most unforgetable grin.
Anonymous42: Anon34: Says a guy browsing the comments on Paheal.
The show's pretty funny, but the best thing about it is the rage. I swear half the crazy brony guys are just trolling -- sometimes I'm tempted to flamebait in disguise as a Super-Brony myself, just to egg the angry nerds on for greater lulz. If I'm tempted, I know other people must be doing it.
Scrubnubs: Anon41 comments are the only thing that keeps me here, I always find someone to argue with which is pretty good. As for ponyfags even if they are trolling or not they can go fuck themselves because it's really getting old. They could have started that shit a long ass time ago when that robot chicken video was out about "apocalypse ponies" rofl. Either way they are retarded, same with furfags, gayfags and yaoi fan girls.
AnOniMouse: Verily good sir do Thy take offense at your implication of mental retardation with homosexuality. Wouldst thou care to elaborate thoust's argument.
Indeed, previous point notwothstanding many of the groups aforementioned harbour many persons uncapable of seeing past their nose, and who cannot understanf what the HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM.
Anonymous47(25): Men watching MLP, gay rights, the TSA, Rick Perry, Barack Obama, NFL frisking people, slutwalk, entitlement programs, diversity, and furries...
The West is fucking doomed. It's no wonder we're going down in a ball of flames. There's no good, honest men anymore. Just a bunch of skirts watching product placement aimed at little girls.
Sintime: Anon 46 is the Prime example of someone who lives life through their basement and through the "hand me down" opinions of other people doing the same.
Human culture and civilization are a species, they are meant to take an infinite ammount of different forms and adapt and change with time, and evolve to become better, not stagnant and dry, or else you end up with inbreeds bumping heads against each other fighting over the most trivial things, and refusing to accept a different viewpoint.
Anonymous48(25): And people like Sintime wonder why a cartoon like MLP appeals to fucking men in their 20s. You can't see that society is getting fucked by diversity, feminism, homofaggotry, and political correctness?
What do you think is causing the problem? Let me guess,...."rich people".
That's a good little Goy.
Sintime: Never once in any past statement I made, did I wonder why it appealed to men in their 20's I just said it's animated and drawn horribly, all these things you currently see were already there but being surpressed by religion, patriarchal indoctrinated people unable to formulate an original idea, and you pretend "society" wasn't pre-fucked beforehand by myopic individuals? It's always some idiot up top making bad decisions and everyone following along with what a few people think because they are being conformed to do so by people around them doing the same.
Anonymous49(25): Oh... You're an Atheist too.
Oh boy... Notice, how with the fall of Christianity and Patriarchy in the West, we have a rise in Egoism, degeneracy, and a loss in liberty.
And prosperity is also falling like a stone. Egalitarianism, diversity, and feminism(hallmarks of MLP FIM) are destructive to cohesive society and are not sustainable. Hence why China is rising while the West sinks below the waves.
Sintime: Atheist? Hahah, You assume so much but know so little about anything, if anything at all I wouldn't assume to be an Atheist as Christianity is a fairly new religion that stole concepts from much older ones than itself then labled its origins "evil or pagan",
Funny how you mentioned Egoism, and loss of liberty yet trying to surpress people of expressing what they like or do, while yet holding an Ego while expressing someone else's ideas,(We're right everyone else is wrong) which have been force fed to you through a tube. You're trying to blame things that JUST came up, for the mistakes the past set it stone? You're contradicting yourself and you can't even see it, most likely because you're parroting someone else.
Anonymous58(25): Damn real anon55.
I'm not anti-porn. Porn is fine, as long as it's private, and not mainstream, or out in open society. It's a way for release. And drawn porn is especially great, because no real people are involved.
Anonymous63(25): Anon58, I'm libertarian, conservative on many points, and liberal on other points. I'm technocratic, and I'm not even Christian. But in my study of humanity, I've noticed that Christianity, while retarded on some points, is right about most things, and helps create a cohesive community of people that aid each other without the need for big government intervention.
We're losing this now. The media is full of diversity, and degeneracy, and people are egotistical(just look how some artists throw a fit). MLP is a terrific show for girls, and provides good values to them. Men flipping their shit over the series is a sign of regression, however. And it's not just MLP. Moe anime is another sign of the weakening of the male mind.
The patriarchal society is dying. Matriarchy has never succeeded. It's a troubling sign.
/stupid fucking rant that no one gives a shit about SERIOUS BUSINESS
Anon 62, I understand your opinion, and you have many good points. It's nice to see people who are politically active in these dark times.
But I am also a furry brony-otaku, and a nihilistic, degenerated freak and loser in general (like most of the other users of this site). So you may understand why I don't agree with you.
Anonymous65: Everyone is getting so mad...this is a better feature than I thought. I love how a picture of a dragon getting fucked in the ass somehow causes people to argue over humanity/religion/what ever stupid opinion they think matters. You people crack me up.
duckpenisexpert: O_o anon66 what the fuck are you talking about? It's a fucking 34 of characters from a goddamn cartoon. Stop trying to make left and right of it just because of some stuff you picked up from your fucking Humanities courses and Gender Studies courses in school. Get outta here wit dat!
DonkeyPunch: @anon66 well I'm a guy who likes wrestling, boxing and using a gun...(I only shoot clay pigeons though, thanks to the UK's gun laws) if that makes me evil and regressive, hey I think I can deal with it. :-)
Titanium: Anon74 - I am unaware of any studies or theories that say one is worse than the other. Indeed, I think most women would disagree with your ordering. Any system of power where a gender is superior to another is undesirable and inherently unfair.
Titanium: Anon75,77,78,80 -
1. There are no biological tendencies toward weapons, trucks, or dolls. Each culture defines what is appropriate for their genders.
2. You refer to the false "reverse sexism". While it is true there are greater sanctions for boys who cross gender roles and other gendered activities, it's because it's worse to cross to the "lower" side than for someone on the lower side to try to cross up.
3. Gender did not give us technology. To suggest that patriarchy gave rise to modern civilization incorrect. It's a spurious relation.
4. Women do not have the upper hand. The idea that laws meant to level the playing field are "reverse sexist" is called "modern sexism". It's analogous to affirmative action and "modern racism". Sexism (both on the individual and institutional levels) exist today. The nature of sexism has changed, but it's existence and outcomes have not.
Go read some Peggy Macintosh or any sociology (or any social science) 101 text book.
Titanium: Anon86 - I am a sociologist. If you bothered to pick up a text book in either sociology or anthropology, you'd know that gender is a social construct. Google third-gender if you want to learn more.
Also, learn some philosophy of science. Social sciences are not "objectively false" because your world view disagrees with their findings.
Also, I am a man.
Also, there is no such thing as semi-random. Learn math.
Titanium: PS - you conflate social science with left-wing. While there is correlation, it is not causation. You are also committing the ecological fallacy by suggesting I am left-wing.
Anonymous72: Anon89- Dude, calm down. We all have our opinions and you are just attacking someone who is presenting facts. You don't need to take it so personally.
Anonymous73(25): Gender is a social construct?
No, according to REAL science, aka BIOLOGY, gender is chromosomes. If you have XX chromosomes, you are female. If you have XY chromosomes, you are male..
I guess race is a social construct too...
Nope. Each race of people have fundamental unique layers to their build, much like breeds of dogs. All domesticated dog breeds belong to the same species, but each one has it's own unique characteristics.
The same is true with gender/sex. A female brain is made up of cells, the nuclei of which always contain XX chromosomes, and no amount of hormones or surgery can change this. At best, hormonal exposure can affect and cloud thought, making a man think he is a woman. But their minds are not actually feminine. To the TG/TS man, the idea of being a woman revolves around genitals, dress, makeup, hair, etc. To a real woman, these are only a fraction of what it actually means to be a woman, and thus a man can think what he wants, but in reality, he can never become.
Blame the bisphenol A, phthalates, and soy products.
Also, watching MLP might be a bad sign, but the porn is acceptable. But please try and feature more straight, or utterly insane images. Gay shit's getting a bit old.
Titanium: Anon88,89 - I've never banned anyone for disagreeing with me.
Anon91 - Social science is no less a science than biology. Again, philosophy of science.
You also conflate gender and sex. That is basic science and medicine. Gender is the social construct, sex is the biology. The other thing you seem to insist upon is the dichotomy of the sexes (and genders). In reality, there are 5 chromosomal sexes in humans. More variety if you count hormonal or physiological sex.
Race is mostly social, yes. Levels of melatonin do not explain the social reality or races, nor do the way different races are viewed and treated in different societies and throughout history.
The one problem with using brain structure or hormones as an explanation of gender differences is that it assumes homogeneity and does not establish firm causal ordering.
The idea that races are like breeds of dog (or even separate species) has long since been debunked. We had no selective breeding or rapid generation production as dogs did. Additionally, breeds of dog are different physiologically, they are not so much biologically nor socially.
Anonymous76(25): I give props to Titanium, liberal as he may be, for allowing free speech. You got one up on 99.9999999% of the internet.
Now then, about dem bad gateways....
Anonymous80: The worst thing about all this shit is that the show might actually be good, and I would probably have watched it eventually but the fanbase of 1/3 trolls, 1/3 faggots and 1/3 weeaboos ruined it for me. The problem I have with the show is actually a problem I have with /b's trollism and overall retardation.
So, grats trolls, you ruined a potentially watchable show for me. I'm proud of you.
Sintime: *steps out of the shadows*
Anon100 through 106 are the same person,
Like this picture just wouldn't become a flamewar.
I have nothing else to say .... *backs away into the shadows*
AnOniMouse: ^I never said it before, but although me and you have had our differences, at least we can agree on some things. I mean for example I don't like wrestling. Detest the stuff. But those unfortunate ignorant broken minds are a serious detriment to this world.
On the point of bronies being 'closet homosexuals':
A) Closet does not apply to this one.
B) So? You make it sound as if it is deeaathly serious *Gasp*.
And Franky! I've never known you to make such an outburst.
Anonymous89: Please, Discord. If anything you look and almost act just like Hodgepodge from "Action League NOW!"
I'm only waiting for some sort of "Bumper cars for bumper jerks" reference.
Krawczyk: Patriarchy sucks because everyone should fawn equally for OOOOOOODIIIIIIIIIN and Riehl, instead of focusing on silly-out-of-touch famous person this or that. And that's that.
I agree evilpika, pony breeds are more functional. We have pegasi, unicorn, and earth, and they are all fundamentally separate :D
The west has always been a decadent hell. If anything it's the broody Nihilists, anarchists, and Misanthropes that lock themselves in labs all day you can thank for most advancement. And in some cases, the retarded class clown kid in the back eating boogers. (Hey, we all need test subjects!)
wait wait waaaait a homosexual who doesn't enjoy fat greasy men sliding around on each other? Are you running a fever?
sintime: This site NEEDS more little girls! Go post it on 4kids! We already have so many little boys we may as well just go full cub scout.
Titty: Most women would agree because most women are dumber than the rocks they throw. Even other women agree with that!
anon54: I'm conservative and nationalist. Also an environmentalist. (of the make machines work better/recycle moar/slaughter moar protestors in one shot stripe not the go back to sticks stripe) :D
I also, like Ciorba, support the occasional SnappyDresserDictatorship. I've been rooting for Qaddafi since the start of this whole thing, and constantly cursing the World Police Yankee fuckers backing the retarded medieval peasantry, or as I've begun to refer to them, Those Meddlin' Kids And Their Meddlin' Scouser Dog Too.
woulda been here sooner but the alias blew up again, whee.
Anonymous91: @anon95, what you should do is watch the show, then be the first of a fourth group of mlp fans. As a fan of the show, personally i don't consider myself any of the three groups you mentioned. but your opinion is not for me to judge.
Anonymous92(91): Something that's bugged me about the fandom of this show is that i think it's growing too fast and too big for its own good, and i am a fan.
20th_century-beast: Rule 34 as to seem to be the best place for analyse the sociology of american men as Vanity Fair did the best media for know the truth on W. Irakian War.
Anonymous108(43): @anon 118 - I learned of it 3 months ago and was litterally mind fucked learning that this shit has been going on since 2010.
@anon95 - I pretty much agree with you there. One of the main things I hate about the fandom is that a good majority try to make themselves looks as though they are better than any other fandom "We love and tolerate", "were nicer" etc etc. They are on the surface but then you see some bronie acting like a channer or something and then its like "yeah saw that coming"
@Anonymous106 Trolls can easily be a fan of something just so they can use it to well troll. Why would likeing something prevent them or hinder them from trolling?
abcde26: what the living fuck what channel does this show come on.I know if you have a little fucking daughter you'd better not be watching this show . I do understand that when kids watch a cartoon they probably just watch it because of the colors or some crap but adults watching this getting an erection while watching this show its rediculous .v_v damn you hub network , pbs kids , black people ,arabs , cooperate investors , etc.
AnOniMouse: Indeed it does, Derpy, indeed it does.
Also, the kinetic energy of any mass can only ever at most, even reaching such a velocity as to be close enough to C the speed of light that the differecne is negligible, only equal half its relativistic energy.
E(relativistic)=mc2 but
E(kinetic). =1/2mv2
If we let C basically = v then
E(kinetic) = 1/2mc2
Anonymous112: So... the message of this entire "conversation"(?)
is: It doesn´t matter who you are, what do you like, or what do you know; in the Internet, you will always be a fag.
Newfags,oldfags,furfags,gayfags,yaoi fags, and even normal fags... We´re all the same, right?
Anonymous114: I don't have a problem with the show. Compared to other 6 year old girl entertainment, it's probably the best out there, which counts for something I guess. Doesn't mean that it isn't juvenile bullshit, but still. What I hate is the non-stop stream of faggotry it spawned.
Anonymous118: First off, FiM is a show with good animation, plots and characters.
Secondly, everyone under this line shall be a faggot.
Anonymous122(121): ____________________________________________________
I am in a faggot-line safe box
Anonymous124: Title: The Mischievous Spirit & his favorite naughty human,
He has been tortured me for almost 24 hours in the detention room at the School of Friendship. Twilight & Starlight saved me & banned Discord from the school. After I let home inside, Discord has teleported me to his home realm then levitate me towards him & we're blushing when his mouths are together.
Me: So, it was you pretending to be Starlight Glimmer at the detention room.
Discord: That's right, my dear naughty boy.
Me: Ehh! Let me back home, Discord!
Princess Celestia:(Discord transform into Princess Celestia) So, you don't love me anymore?
Me: Wha? Discord! (I'm staring at his hypnotizing eyes) Knock off already & send me back to my== (I'm under Discord's control). Uhhh, what was I talking about?
Princess Celestia:(Discord as Princess Celestia) Oh, you were about to screw your favorite princess. (I'm licking her pussy & hole while she's sucking my cock) Oh, you got nice licking your favorite princess' pussy & hole, my dear.
Me:(In Discord's control) Thanks, Princess.
Princess Celestia:(Discord as Princess Celestia) Now, close your eyes, child.
Princess Luna:(Discord changes into Princess Luna while my eyes are closed) Ok, open your eyes.
Me:(In Discord's control) Oh, hey there, Princess Luna.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) Well then? Lick my pussy & hole.
Me:(In Discord's control) Yes, ma'am.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) (I'm licking her pussy & hole) Oh, great heavens, dear. You may have the best licking tongue to give a mare's pussy & hole for all mares.
Me:(In Discord's control) Thank you, Princess Luna.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) (She's sucking my cock) Mmm, and your human cock is so chewy. Close your eyes, dear. (I close my eyes)
Princess Cadence:(Discord transform into Princess Cadence) You may open your eyes now.
Me:(In Discord's control) (I opened my eyes) Why hello there, Princess Cadence.
To be continued............
Anonymous125(124): Previously on the Mischievous Spirit & his favorite naughty human,
Discord keeps transform himself into the princesses & controlling my head.
Princess Cadence:(Discord transform into Princess Cadence) You may open your eyes now.
Me:(In Discord's control) (I opened my eyes) Why hello there, Princess Cadence.
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence) Go on then. Lick my pussy, dear love-ling.
Me:(In Discord's control) Yes, Mistress.
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence)(I'm licking her pussy) (Gasp) Oh, sweet Celestia. I've never felt anything like this before. Nice flank grabbing technique & licking my pussy. Oh my, I love this. I'm in love for flank grabbing. This makes me blush. Ooh, I'm in love. I'm in love. I'm definitely in love into this.
Me:(The spell is wearing off my head) Hmm? What the? Discord, come on! Why==, (Discord restored me in his control), with the beautiful mare Princess Cadence here?
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence) Oh, you were,
Princess Luna:(Discord changes back to Princess Luna) licking the princess' pussy which is,
Princess Celestia:(Discord changes back to Princess Celestia) you & we Princesses loves when you're doing the licking tongue & your,
Princess Luna:(Discord changes back to Princess Luna) flank grabbing technique on,
Princess Cadence:(Discord changes back to Princess Cadence) our flanks for all of us,
Princesses Celestia, Luna & Cadence:(Discord uses 3 transforms as the princesses) mares. And we all love you, our favorite naughty boy.
Me:(In Discord's control) I love you all, princesses.
Then Discord transform his true self. He had his fun of controlling me under his command, wear off the controlling spell & he teleported me back to my home realm at my home. Then, I was so relieved about I'm at home finally & Discord is going back to his own life.
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XD Dude, I love this Fandom of ours XDD <3
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Expect a shit ton of these features (except for Sept. 20).
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Also, back then imaajpstnfo, My little Pony looked like it was drawn in crayon, and there was a song every five minutes.
Also, Barry White was not in it and many of the main characters' voice actress didn't also do Adult Swim, equalling many lulz on youtube. Which also didn't exist. I'll admit many thing's qualities have decreased, but cartoons nowadays are doing quite well. I'll say there was quite a dip 3 or 4 years back though...
And this picture doesn't deserve a feature whatsoever, because it sucks!
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There won't an ending to this colorful and sugared aids, it seems.
I hope the world ends. No madness, just plain disappointment...
Fuck, I like the show. Woke up early today to watch it. Brought me back some good memories of when I used to do that shit back when I was like twelve. But some of these fans, man ... some of these fans. Calm down and let the trolls rave. Yelling back only gets shit flying in two directions.
You fucking idiots can't properly code a website. You ban porn from other sites even when you don't get a DMCA. And you constantly elect gay shit as your featured images?
This place is really going to shit.
season 2 was awesome everypony!
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Melting pot of BRONIEFAGS.
Just not tagged as this.
Shut the fuck up. You have little taste in shows and porn. Although I will admit that if I see another dickgirl of any of the 6 main ponys I'm going to slap a bitch. Discord has the most unforgetable grin.
Amazing pic btw.
Anon 35 is SkyWriter. (So is Anon 39.)
Ah what the heck, they're all good!
The show's pretty funny, but the best thing about it is the rage. I swear half the crazy brony guys are just trolling -- sometimes I'm tempted to flamebait in disguise as a Super-Brony myself, just to egg the angry nerds on for greater lulz. If I'm tempted, I know other people must be doing it.
See "True Capitalist Radio" all the people that troll "Ghost" are just channers pretending to be bronies
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Indeed, previous point notwothstanding many of the groups aforementioned harbour many persons uncapable of seeing past their nose, and who cannot understanf what the HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM.
Many, not all.
I'm tempted to report "Havin' fun with these reports?" sarcastically but that'd be mean.
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The West is fucking doomed. It's no wonder we're going down in a ball of flames. There's no good, honest men anymore. Just a bunch of skirts watching product placement aimed at little girls.
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Human culture and civilization are a species, they are meant to take an infinite ammount of different forms and adapt and change with time, and evolve to become better, not stagnant and dry, or else you end up with inbreeds bumping heads against each other fighting over the most trivial things, and refusing to accept a different viewpoint.
What do you think is causing the problem? Let me guess,...."rich people".
That's a good little Goy.
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Oh boy... Notice, how with the fall of Christianity and Patriarchy in the West, we have a rise in Egoism, degeneracy, and a loss in liberty.
And prosperity is also falling like a stone. Egalitarianism, diversity, and feminism(hallmarks of MLP FIM) are destructive to cohesive society and are not sustainable. Hence why China is rising while the West sinks below the waves.
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Funny how you mentioned Egoism, and loss of liberty yet trying to surpress people of expressing what they like or do, while yet holding an Ego while expressing someone else's ideas,(We're right everyone else is wrong) which have been force fed to you through a tube. You're trying to blame things that JUST came up, for the mistakes the past set it stone? You're contradicting yourself and you can't even see it, most likely because you're parroting someone else.
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I'm with Discord here.
(I actually go to church myself. I'm a better man for it, but there ain't never gonna be any of us perfect)
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Oh my.
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I'm not anti-porn. Porn is fine, as long as it's private, and not mainstream, or out in open society. It's a way for release. And drawn porn is especially great, because no real people are involved.
We're losing this now. The media is full of diversity, and degeneracy, and people are egotistical(just look how some artists throw a fit). MLP is a terrific show for girls, and provides good values to them. Men flipping their shit over the series is a sign of regression, however. And it's not just MLP. Moe anime is another sign of the weakening of the male mind.
The patriarchal society is dying. Matriarchy has never succeeded. It's a troubling sign.
/stupid fucking rant that no one gives a shit about SERIOUS BUSINESS
Quantumn mechanics. Come talk to me when you stop jizzing.
Anon 62, I understand your opinion, and you have many good points. It's nice to see people who are politically active in these dark times.
But I am also a furry brony-otaku, and a nihilistic, degenerated freak and loser in general (like most of the other users of this site). So you may understand why I don't agree with you.
Welcome to the human race.
| The STFU Truck |||""'|""\__,_
| _____________ l||__|__|__|)
Its a fukkin' truck, your arguments are invalid.
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So shut up and fap already.
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Anon66 - I assume Poe's law (i.e. you are not serious). "all things men naturally like" hahaha good one.
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Remember, a group of men will work together to solve a problem.
A group of women will try to kill each other over the best looking man.
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1. There are no biological tendencies toward weapons, trucks, or dolls. Each culture defines what is appropriate for their genders.
2. You refer to the false "reverse sexism". While it is true there are greater sanctions for boys who cross gender roles and other gendered activities, it's because it's worse to cross to the "lower" side than for someone on the lower side to try to cross up.
3. Gender did not give us technology. To suggest that patriarchy gave rise to modern civilization incorrect. It's a spurious relation.
4. Women do not have the upper hand. The idea that laws meant to level the playing field are "reverse sexist" is called "modern sexism". It's analogous to affirmative action and "modern racism". Sexism (both on the individual and institutional levels) exist today. The nature of sexism has changed, but it's existence and outcomes have not.
Go read some Peggy Macintosh or any sociology (or any social science) 101 text book.
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Also, learn some philosophy of science. Social sciences are not "objectively false" because your world view disagrees with their findings.
Also, I am a man.
Also, there is no such thing as semi-random. Learn math.
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No, according to REAL science, aka BIOLOGY, gender is chromosomes. If you have XX chromosomes, you are female. If you have XY chromosomes, you are male..
I guess race is a social construct too...
Nope. Each race of people have fundamental unique layers to their build, much like breeds of dogs. All domesticated dog breeds belong to the same species, but each one has it's own unique characteristics.
The same is true with gender/sex. A female brain is made up of cells, the nuclei of which always contain XX chromosomes, and no amount of hormones or surgery can change this. At best, hormonal exposure can affect and cloud thought, making a man think he is a woman. But their minds are not actually feminine. To the TG/TS man, the idea of being a woman revolves around genitals, dress, makeup, hair, etc. To a real woman, these are only a fraction of what it actually means to be a woman, and thus a man can think what he wants, but in reality, he can never become.
Blame the bisphenol A, phthalates, and soy products.
Also, watching MLP might be a bad sign, but the porn is acceptable. But please try and feature more straight, or utterly insane images. Gay shit's getting a bit old.
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Anon91 - Social science is no less a science than biology. Again, philosophy of science.
You also conflate gender and sex. That is basic science and medicine. Gender is the social construct, sex is the biology. The other thing you seem to insist upon is the dichotomy of the sexes (and genders). In reality, there are 5 chromosomal sexes in humans. More variety if you count hormonal or physiological sex.
Race is mostly social, yes. Levels of melatonin do not explain the social reality or races, nor do the way different races are viewed and treated in different societies and throughout history.
The one problem with using brain structure or hormones as an explanation of gender differences is that it assumes homogeneity and does not establish firm causal ordering.
The idea that races are like breeds of dog (or even separate species) has long since been debunked. We had no selective breeding or rapid generation production as dogs did. Additionally, breeds of dog are different physiologically, they are not so much biologically nor socially.
Now then, about dem bad gateways....
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We are working on that... honestly.
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Fuck you, go have a rinse of Shotgun Mouthwash, bronie assholes...
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But fuck you bronie bitches. You are furries in denial, and even furries know it.
Even they shake their heads in disapproval.
So, grats trolls, you ruined a potentially watchable show for me. I'm proud of you.
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- Reply
Anon100 through 106 are the same person,
Like this picture just wouldn't become a flamewar.
I have nothing else to say .... *backs away into the shadows*
On the point of bronies being 'closet homosexuals':
A) Closet does not apply to this one.
B) So? You make it sound as if it is deeaathly serious *Gasp*.
And Franky! I've never known you to make such an outburst.
I'm only waiting for some sort of "Bumper cars for bumper jerks" reference.
- Reply
I agree evilpika, pony breeds are more functional. We have pegasi, unicorn, and earth, and they are all fundamentally separate :D
The west has always been a decadent hell. If anything it's the broody Nihilists, anarchists, and Misanthropes that lock themselves in labs all day you can thank for most advancement. And in some cases, the retarded class clown kid in the back eating boogers. (Hey, we all need test subjects!)
wait wait waaaait a homosexual who doesn't enjoy fat greasy men sliding around on each other? Are you running a fever?
sintime: This site NEEDS more little girls! Go post it on 4kids! We already have so many little boys we may as well just go full cub scout.
Titty: Most women would agree because most women are dumber than the rocks they throw. Even other women agree with that!
anon54: I'm conservative and nationalist. Also an environmentalist. (of the make machines work better/recycle moar/slaughter moar protestors in one shot stripe not the go back to sticks stripe) :D
I also, like Ciorba, support the occasional SnappyDresserDictatorship. I've been rooting for Qaddafi since the start of this whole thing, and constantly cursing the World Police Yankee fuckers backing the retarded medieval peasantry, or as I've begun to refer to them, Those Meddlin' Kids And Their Meddlin' Scouser Dog Too.
woulda been here sooner but the alias blew up again, whee.
how are can trolls be a fan of something?
This meme started when the Youtube autocaption labelled the sea-serpent from MLP:FiM episode two, as someone named ‘Steven Magnet.’
Nice fuckin' drawin' in his style, after all...
>Implying that all users of Paheal are from America or are men.
That is all.
@anon95 - I pretty much agree with you there. One of the main things I hate about the fandom is that a good majority try to make themselves looks as though they are better than any other fandom "We love and tolerate", "were nicer" etc etc. They are on the surface but then you see some bronie acting like a channer or something and then its like "yeah saw that coming"
@Anonymous106 Trolls can easily be a fan of something just so they can use it to well troll. Why would likeing something prevent them or hinder them from trolling?
- Reply
Also, shuffling.
Also, the kinetic energy of any mass can only ever at most, even reaching such a velocity as to be close enough to C the speed of light that the differecne is negligible, only equal half its relativistic energy.
E(relativistic)=mc2 but
E(kinetic). =1/2mv2
If we let C basically = v then
E(kinetic) = 1/2mc2
Well there ye go, kids.
is: It doesn´t matter who you are, what do you like, or what do you know; in the Internet, you will always be a fag.
Newfags,oldfags,furfags,gayfags,yaoi fags, and even normal fags... We´re all the same, right?
Secondly, everyone under this line shall be a faggot.
I am in a faggot-line safe box
He has been tortured me for almost 24 hours in the detention room at the School of Friendship. Twilight & Starlight saved me & banned Discord from the school. After I let home inside, Discord has teleported me to his home realm then levitate me towards him & we're blushing when his mouths are together.
Me: So, it was you pretending to be Starlight Glimmer at the detention room.
Discord: That's right, my dear naughty boy.
Me: Ehh! Let me back home, Discord!
Princess Celestia:(Discord transform into Princess Celestia) So, you don't love me anymore?
Me: Wha? Discord! (I'm staring at his hypnotizing eyes) Knock off already & send me back to my== (I'm under Discord's control). Uhhh, what was I talking about?
Princess Celestia:(Discord as Princess Celestia) Oh, you were about to screw your favorite princess. (I'm licking her pussy & hole while she's sucking my cock) Oh, you got nice licking your favorite princess' pussy & hole, my dear.
Me:(In Discord's control) Thanks, Princess.
Princess Celestia:(Discord as Princess Celestia) Now, close your eyes, child.
Princess Luna:(Discord changes into Princess Luna while my eyes are closed) Ok, open your eyes.
Me:(In Discord's control) Oh, hey there, Princess Luna.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) Well then? Lick my pussy & hole.
Me:(In Discord's control) Yes, ma'am.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) (I'm licking her pussy & hole) Oh, great heavens, dear. You may have the best licking tongue to give a mare's pussy & hole for all mares.
Me:(In Discord's control) Thank you, Princess Luna.
Princess Luna:(Discord as Princess Luna) (She's sucking my cock) Mmm, and your human cock is so chewy. Close your eyes, dear. (I close my eyes)
Princess Cadence:(Discord transform into Princess Cadence) You may open your eyes now.
Me:(In Discord's control) (I opened my eyes) Why hello there, Princess Cadence.
To be continued............
Discord keeps transform himself into the princesses & controlling my head.
Princess Cadence:(Discord transform into Princess Cadence) You may open your eyes now.
Me:(In Discord's control) (I opened my eyes) Why hello there, Princess Cadence.
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence) Go on then. Lick my pussy, dear love-ling.
Me:(In Discord's control) Yes, Mistress.
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence)(I'm licking her pussy) (Gasp) Oh, sweet Celestia. I've never felt anything like this before. Nice flank grabbing technique & licking my pussy. Oh my, I love this. I'm in love for flank grabbing. This makes me blush. Ooh, I'm in love. I'm in love. I'm definitely in love into this.
Me:(The spell is wearing off my head) Hmm? What the? Discord, come on! Why==, (Discord restored me in his control), with the beautiful mare Princess Cadence here?
Princess Cadence:(Discord as Princess Cadence) Oh, you were,
Princess Luna:(Discord changes back to Princess Luna) licking the princess' pussy which is,
Princess Celestia:(Discord changes back to Princess Celestia) you & we Princesses loves when you're doing the licking tongue & your,
Princess Luna:(Discord changes back to Princess Luna) flank grabbing technique on,
Princess Cadence:(Discord changes back to Princess Cadence) our flanks for all of us,
Princesses Celestia, Luna & Cadence:(Discord uses 3 transforms as the princesses) mares. And we all love you, our favorite naughty boy.
Me:(In Discord's control) I love you all, princesses.
Then Discord transform his true self. He had his fun of controlling me under his command, wear off the controlling spell & he teleported me back to my home realm at my home. Then, I was so relieved about I'm at home finally & Discord is going back to his own life.