Anonymous1: Furries and their fat fetishes. Furries want fat things to be hot so they are hot. They are not. They are ugly faggots and their sick fetishes make me physically ill. Burn in hell faggots, God hates you.
MikeOShay: bAv, I thought you were cool. Also, doesn't really make sense to ostracize furries when we comment on pretty much every pony porn pic that comes out.
Anonymous6: They're evil enchantresses, they do evil dancesses
And if you look deep in their eyes, they will put you in trancesses
...except Trixie does it with a rope, not her eyes...
Well that's not a bad idea...
>fat Zecora
...what is this world coming to?
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- Reply
And if you look deep in their eyes, they will put you in trancesses
...except Trixie does it with a rope, not her eyes...