Knockers: It's amazing how picky and particular virgins can be, especially virgins who spend so much time jerking it to fictional women they think real women are disgusting.
Anonymous2: Knockers, I hate to knock your judgment-- but I think you need an eye exam. Unless trannies with bad looking tits is your thing, then by all means. Just don't insult the rest of us with your horrible taste in women.
Knockers: Anon2, how is she a tranny and what's wrong with her tits? Those are the classic, normal, ordinary look of real breasts. Cuppable, enough to bounce and jiggle, nice big aerolas, firm nipples. If you consider that "bad", I'm a little hesitant to see what you consider "good".
Anonymous4: It's not so much that She looks good, as that you won't find much hotter women who are willing to do cosplay porn, AND know the first thing about who They're cosplaying as.
duckpenisexpert: I would gladly sew my hymen back on if it meant not having to look at her again. Is it so bad to want a little quality in cosplay? It's 'sposed to be entertaining. This is not entertaining! O_o
Emagine: @Knockers. I am not a fan on cosplay, and I clicked on this just to see if this cosplay deviant was any better than others. I do infact, only find real women attractive, just not this one in particular.
Emagine: and call me virgin if you may, but I have been laid by women a lot better looking than her. No offence to the cosplayer herself though...I am not the one to call on people based on their physical appearances.
Rann: It's always funny when someone sweeps in here to defend the Cosplay Deviants models, either because they think it somehow proves they're the ones who are mature and non-virginal individuals for not turning up their noses at girls others think are homely, or because they think their whiteknighting will broadcast out across the intertubes and make these girls think "I suddenly have the urge to find out who 'Knockers' is and fuck him and become his good little submissive waifu."
First of all, calling other people virgins because they don't fap to girls with weird-shaped tits and manfaces and all the multitude of other issues Cosplay Deviants models usually show is somewhat akin to calling other people philistines because they don't fap to bad MSPaint doodles of Naruto banging his mother.
Second... they will never fuck you. Ever. Because there are plenty of guys out there who are just as desperate and eager to flatter someone like them that, like the big fish in a small pond, they can act like the hot girl in the ugly room.
Honestly it doesn't matter what they (The models.) look like. Its the skill of the photoshopper putting all the pics together. They forgot the man in the picture... Whoops I mean lady.
They could have at least had a little more discretion in picking out models.
Anonymous5: New Troll here: Rann, stop posting long blocks of correctly spelled text with no swearing. Intellectual argument is not how it's done here, the only thing you got right is attacking the person not the issue. And even then it was weak.
Seriously, a whole site full of the weirdest deviant sex pictures and you pick a vanilla cosplay nude as something that needs comment?
And what's with this in-depth psychological profile of the guy who likes her? Sounds like you're talking about your own issues. Don't do "intellectual argument", no ones impressed or interested. Call them a fag, attractive and successful African, loser or 'tard.
But if you feel you just -have- to get off to the sound of your own smarts at least do it right. Don't make your own issues the focus, the white knight but smacks of personal experience, people will think you're the one your talking about and trying to look superior doing it.
Call people names, fag, tard, attractive and successful African,loser and ugly. How it does on teh interwebs
PickleurPothole: Are tig bits just not a thing in cosplay?!? Jeez....seems like all the chicks in this series are card-carrying members of the IBTC, Itty-Bitty Titty Committee.
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First of all, calling other people virgins because they don't fap to girls with weird-shaped tits and manfaces and all the multitude of other issues Cosplay Deviants models usually show is somewhat akin to calling other people philistines because they don't fap to bad MSPaint doodles of Naruto banging his mother.
Second... they will never fuck you. Ever. Because there are plenty of guys out there who are just as desperate and eager to flatter someone like them that, like the big fish in a small pond, they can act like the hot girl in the ugly room.
Honestly it doesn't matter what they (The models.) look like. Its the skill of the photoshopper putting all the pics together. They forgot the man in the picture... Whoops I mean lady.
They could have at least had a little more discretion in picking out models.
Seriously, a whole site full of the weirdest deviant sex pictures and you pick a vanilla cosplay nude as something that needs comment?
And what's with this in-depth psychological profile of the guy who likes her? Sounds like you're talking about your own issues. Don't do "intellectual argument", no ones impressed or interested. Call them a fag, attractive and successful African, loser or 'tard.
But if you feel you just -have- to get off to the sound of your own smarts at least do it right. Don't make your own issues the focus, the white knight but smacks of personal experience, people will think you're the one your talking about and trying to look superior doing it.
Call people names, fag, tard, attractive and successful African,loser and ugly. How it does on teh interwebs
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