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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, Rainbow_Dash
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Info640x595 // 110KB // jpg
- Reply
Anonymous1: What the fuck is with all these bees?
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Anonymous2: That is one wierd fetish, and I've seen a lot of wierd fetishes.
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Anonymous3: ziIP!

ziIP! ziIP!

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anomalous: Funny how mild this seems in comparison to other fetishes.
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Anonymous4: more Bee porn !
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bAv-R34: Who the fuck is posting bees?
And why would you LIKE that?
I had a few nasty run-ins with hornets and yellow-jackets, I should know.
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Anonymous5: There is an actual bee-sting fetish bAv. I've seen real fucking videos about it. Yes, it's as nasty and stupid as it sounds.
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Anonymous6: Not the bees! AHHHHHHH Ahgarbulagabah my ass! My ass! AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHhhhurgh!
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MikeOShay: Hah, 3blue.
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Anonymous7: Shaddup annon 6
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Anonymous8: Ehh, so people get off on weird shit, what else is new? That's why they call it sexual f a n t a s y !
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ThunderFap: Anon 6 speaks the truth, but the bees is taking it to far imo
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Anonymous9(3): We all had run-ins with stingers I got swarmed once.
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Anonymous10: The bees! WHY DID OT HAVE TO BE BEES?!?!?!?
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Anonymous11: I hate bees. Theyre pesky bastards

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