Popoflames: lol it wasnt a stolen joke i was bored started thinking of what sonic generations would be like and who is faster classic or modern sonic then this thing happened
fuckyou: Chris Chan draws better compared to this shit. Modern Sonic is faster anyway because he is all about holding boost and right to win through empty corridors, he would likely be even worse in bed.
HicksDuck: Yet an other wonderfully constructed piece of art. It almost has a hint of a cubism edge to it. in particular around Amy's breasts. I'm also fond of the symbolism present, the red sheets and bed clearly representing Amy's anger at Sonic, and Sonic's anger at himself over his inability to please Amy. Not to mention the uncoloured portions of Sonic's muzzle and shoes, which demonstrate the emptiness he is feeling inside. Truly splendid work!
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A++ would fap again
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