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TagsStar_Fox, Wolf_O'Donnell, anti_dev
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Info1200x1200 // 244KB // jpg
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Fara_Phoenix: Fixed the tags and sourced.
O'Donnell has TWO L, YOU MORON </nerdrage>
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xdata666: Can't let you screw that, starfox.
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demonfiren: ^old, but true.
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Fara_Phoenix: Yes, again of the fur/skin transition.

...saved for later examination.
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Mana_Yood_Sushai: I have to agree with Farah here. Why cant his dick be the same color as the rest of his body: grey?
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Sintime: Bashing.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, it's only bashing if it's Krystal <3
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Sintime: You're bashing Wolf now, which is just as bad
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Fara_Phoenix: Only pointing out mistakes. You're next.
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Sintime: How, can there be a mistake in a "fan created piece of artwork'?
Krystal and Wolf bashing, is where we draw the line
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Sintime: There's nothing wrong with the picture, now stop complaining so much
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Fara_Phoenix: We? A-HA! Sintime, I always knew you had issues.

Also, sure there can be mistakes. Anatomy, references, etc. In this case it's the simple fact his fur-to-cock transition doesn't make ANY sense at all.
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Sintime: Again, projecting yourself onto me, does not dissolve your issues of multi-accounting, not to mention the other things you've done, constantly changing user names to hide it, or pretending to be oblivious to your actions just further incriminates you
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Fara_Phoenix: Oh, I didn't actually project myself onto you - I only pointed out I always knew you had issues. Truth there.
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Sintime: The only issue with me is finding out, how far the depth of the level of retard, the multi-accounting rper can achieve this day, and which poor excuse he will use, and not remember this time.
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Fara_Phoenix: Well hey, it's better than the one who ignores arguments, calls Fara a fan char despite facing overwhelming evidence indicating otherwise and always repeats his (either unbased or not logically useful) accusations without ever really making a point.
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Anonymous1: Hey, Sintime and Fara Phoenix, here's a fun idea: How about you both SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ENJOY THE GOD-DAMN PORN.
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demonfiren: A1, you're not the first to suggest this here, but it didn't work due to Sintime's constant calling bash on Fara.
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Sintime: Fara Phoenix just copies whatever I say, and then tries to use it as an argument against me, its the saddest form of an argument I've seen in a while, it just tells you know all your points are bad or don't make sense, and you give obscure things to defend yourself with, Fara is basically copying and pasting whatever I say through pm's or another website and trying to reply back with it.
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Fara_Phoenix: I'd rather say I use your arguments on you, thus making them useful, while your arguments on me make no sense.
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Sintime: Ok we'll list the things you've done for the 20th time or so, while yet, you have no good reply or useful counter-argument to come up with other than obscure statements with Pseudo Reasoning.
You multi-account constantly (posted links of you having been banned earlier for it,)
You promote anti-mursona/fursona inserts yet, endorse, one of another with "GAF" and Fara Phoenix,
You lie horribly about everything, and make a incohorent reasons as to why you're doing so, even though the new reason has nothing to do what you've said previously.
Commenting and then replying to your own "comments backing yourself up"
I'm pretty sure you're still doing it now, even more so through Anon accounts, psychology suggests hold habbits die hard.
You're argument against Krystal is the most inane one, yet insert anything in your excuse database and likelise it follows the same route. Not liking a character because they are popular, and thus with popularity comes more pictures, it's a simple formula...
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Fara_Phoenix: Not quite like that, but to think your arguments against Fara are any better...tsk.
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Fox_McCloud: if you want to be technical... wolf would have a knot seeing as how hes in the canine family!!!
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Fara_Phoenix: Fox, correct...on the other hand, would that mean every character in the universe would have animal genitalia?

...Scales with a hemi, I can't imagine THAT...
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Anonymous2: The dick color transition is a matter of personal preference. Some artists like to give furries very human genitalia, which means they always make them flesh-toned. This artist obviously intended for the dick to look that way, thus you can't call it a mistake. You don't have to LIKE it, but it's not a mistake.
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Fara_Phoenix: Oh, it IS a mistake - as fur doesn't really gradually turn into skin and forms a dick.

Take a look at >>642559 for an example of how it's done right.
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Fara_Phoenix: Wouldn't we all.

Cue Wolf's oh-so-famous line...
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Anonymous3: God I would love to fuck that or be fucked doesnt matter I just want his.body on mine and his legs on mine oh so fuckin sexy
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Anonymous4: he looks like a cat
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Anonymous5: This is really satisfying to look at because that's exactly how long I expected Wolf's cock to look.
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Anonymous6(5): This is really satisfying to look at because that's exactly how long I expected Wolf's cock to be.
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Anonymous7(5): Didn't realize the last comment posted after all, whoops

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