SONIC_FRIEZA: Why do you want something like that Sodomius?
Only humans must fuck the chicks and since we
are talking about Sheeva damn her creators for altering her original appearance,i want back her beautiful black lips and red eyes!
Anonymous4: You people are disgusting. What happened to the ol' fashioned guy on girl or girl on girl action? (without anal ofcourse) Now what we have here is some dudes fucking a four armed beast, whom by the way is showing nary a tit. Now I usually love all of your pictures Rastifan, and everyone has their tastes, plus I respect how hard you must work on these, but these types of pictures are fucked up. So what is the moral of this story? We need a pic of Rochelle sitting on Zoeys face. Plain and simple. Good day to all of you. And that Goro fucking Sheeva is a disgusting idea. Although I respect your tastes.
Anonymous5(4): Rochelle facing zoey while sitting on her face grabbing the back of Zoeys head and forcing her face into rochelles pussy would be awesome. Rochelle looking down at zoey also would be awesome. I know you probably have a lot of requests, however, you can already cross out the following requests to make mine a top priorty: Anything involving anal, and anything that is not Left 4 Dead related. I would love for you to do this, as I have been waiting for this picture to happen for awhile. I never request because I hate it when people just request and request and request, but I feel I have waited long enough and, let's be real, this is a picture that needs to happen.
Anonymous6(1): Ano1 - The featured picture on this site is child porn, and you find this disgusting?
I understand it is not your taste, and I respect that, but this is practical mundane compared to much of the hentai stuff here. And it is rule 34 and I am trying to come up with something new. I realize in doing so, I will offend some people, and on a site like this, it is impossible to avoid. To be honest, people who are easily offended should not be here.
Thanks for you input though. It was a serious observation and not flaming. I like that:)
Anonymous7(1): On a second note. I had enough people telling me they find Rochelle revolting. Ugly and disgusting are words often used to describe her. You will protest that of course. Just goes to show.
But you cannot react to everything not to your liking. On a site like this it would be a full time job. If it is not to your taste, ignore it and wait for me to make something you do like.
I however find Rochelle quite attractive since she has flaws. Makes her more human. And Rochelle and Zoey is coming up.
Ps! Sheeva here is half human and half dragon according to Mortal Combat Wiki.
Anonymous10(1): I love your work Rast. Don't mind the "offended" lot in here. They always "NEED" to inform everyone when their sensibillities have suffered a dent. Honestly people! This is rule34. What are you doing here? Stop acting like pricks. Skip the porn you don't like, and fap to the stuff you do approve of. Just like the rest of us.
Anonymous12(4): Excuse me if I sounded like an asshole. And I didn't mean "you people are disgusting" really, I kind of mean Sheeva is disgusting. I don't know, I guess I was in a shitty mood and now that I look back at the comment I feel like an asshole. So yeah, sorry for that =D. Have a fine day, and uhh, Rochellesittingonzoeysface.
Anonymous14(1): One more point. If anyone thinks Sheeva strange. they have not seen Star Trek and Cap. Kirk. Green pussy, red pussy, blue pussy. It did not matter to him. Cap. Kirk would fuck anything that moved:D
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Rastifan, could you also draw Goro and/or Kintaro fucking Sheeva?
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Only humans must fuck the chicks and since we
are talking about Sheeva damn her creators for altering her original appearance,i want back her beautiful black lips and red eyes!
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I understand it is not your taste, and I respect that, but this is practical mundane compared to much of the hentai stuff here. And it is rule 34 and I am trying to come up with something new. I realize in doing so, I will offend some people, and on a site like this, it is impossible to avoid. To be honest, people who are easily offended should not be here.
Thanks for you input though. It was a serious observation and not flaming. I like that:)
But you cannot react to everything not to your liking. On a site like this it would be a full time job. If it is not to your taste, ignore it and wait for me to make something you do like.
I however find Rochelle quite attractive since she has flaws. Makes her more human. And Rochelle and Zoey is coming up.
Ps! Sheeva here is half human and half dragon according to Mortal Combat Wiki.
Loosely, anyways.
And he calls this disgusting, PAH!
And I vote yes for Rochelle and Zoey action.
Got a bit confuses there. Not sure what you mean. Sorry for being slow:)
Ano4 - Thanks:D As I said. Rochelle and Zoey is coming up.
And yes Rochellesittingonzoeysface is coming:D