MikeOShay: >Don't take a look at any images in particular
>Notice that people post "FEATURE" a ton but don't actually notice a distinct number of said comments in the featured images, alongside the fact that more often than not the featured image is based around current events and news and whatnot, so asking for it has absolutely no damn sway one direction or the other
>Wait what the fuck? Spike's in this? Oh-- OHHHHHH. I thought it was Futashy this whole time.
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>every second comment is FEATURE
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>Far more FEATURE comments on them than in featured images
>Asking for feature doesn't do shit
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>Notice that people post "FEATURE" a ton but don't actually notice a distinct number of said comments in the featured images, alongside the fact that more often than not the featured image is based around current events and news and whatnot, so asking for it has absolutely no damn sway one direction or the other
>Wait what the fuck? Spike's in this? Oh-- OHHHHHH. I thought it was Futashy this whole time.
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Anyway, this is worth featuring.