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Anonymous1: this shit is beyond feature
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Anonymous2: Silly squirrel, that's not his nuts.
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Anonymous3: When they say Tony Stark is up for anything, they ain't kidding!
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Anonymous4(2): Oh god imagine those cold, clammy little hands.

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Anonymous5(3): Yeah, and the squirrel is bad too!
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SlippyTheToad: I'm.. I'm not even sure... what?
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MMiracle: That's one thin pencil dick, or that squirrel is huge... either way.
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kyle724: So that's how she beat Doctor Doom
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Anonymous6: I'm guessing that is Speedball. He always seemed like he woul.d have a pin dick
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Anonymous7: I'm betting Iron Man got a little piece of Squirrel Girl after she beat Dr. Doom.
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tyciol: Squirrel tongue is so tiny it can massage your penis from the inside via the urethra.
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Shock_Headed_Penor: Squirrel girl has a bad case of chest dick.
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Anonymous8: get out lil furball,im jizz
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darthomega55: mmm honey nut Cheerios
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Qwib: I'm frightened

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