Anonymous5: people just draw Astrid to look better cause she's the lead female roll in the movie and you see the most of her, ruffnut talks in like 4-5 scenes where Astrid squeezes into all the major ones
And Hey BTW when will people draw realistic tit sizes too? Astrid is in a training bra in the movie and Ruffnut is damn near flat. Because of it being an animated movie and all they are like 16 years old man, you aren't developed when your that old you arent going to turn into pornstars overnight... i just want to see some realistic Rule34 for once instead of this Over-Exageration stuff people keep drawing. Its rule34 people there is suppose to be porn of it yet its pretty damn impossible to find and i don't want to spend time drawing this stuff(even though i probably could with great results but im far too lazy).
I ask someone to take this challenge and draw Realistic Rule34 of HTTYD of characters in the future(year/s after the movie took place).
btw im ganna copy and paste this to another comment on the newest picture so it will probably be read more.
Anonymous7(5): with astrid being a total bitch in the movie, she definetely isn't going to ever do that, Ruffnut is a slut in the making tho(at least a wannabe)...
Anonymous10(5): you talking to anon7, anon8? cause i would point that at anon6 too. anon5 is just wanting some realistic pictures(after all the outrage)
i kinda want to see some realistic pictures of astrid too, but as anon2 said, Ruffnut can go die in a fucking fire
Anonymous12: I think buck teeth on girls can be cute. Isn't Astrid supposed to be the darker one? Brown stockings are a big turn-off for me and... what kind of a name is "Ruffnut" anyway?
And Hey BTW when will people draw realistic tit sizes too? Astrid is in a training bra in the movie and Ruffnut is damn near flat. Because of it being an animated movie and all they are like 16 years old man, you aren't developed when your that old you arent going to turn into pornstars overnight... i just want to see some realistic Rule34 for once instead of this Over-Exageration stuff people keep drawing. Its rule34 people there is suppose to be porn of it yet its pretty damn impossible to find and i don't want to spend time drawing this stuff(even though i probably could with great results but im far too lazy).
I ask someone to take this challenge and draw Realistic Rule34 of HTTYD of characters in the future(year/s after the movie took place).
btw im ganna copy and paste this to another comment on the newest picture so it will probably be read more.
i kinda want to see some realistic pictures of astrid too, but as anon2 said, Ruffnut can go die in a fucking fire
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