Anonymous8: This seems stupid and inconvenient. It'd make sense if Trixie was wearing the hat instead of Twilight. As is, they could just cut out the middle man.....hat, and go to town.
Anonymous15: I think the one ho pretends to be great magic user (can't remember her name) is trying to humiliate Twilight, and get pleasure out of it, so that's why she chose to do it this way
Anonymous19: Im a17. I thought this up. I know its bad but I cant bare the thought of simeone else saying it:
Twilight is eating Trixy noodle soup. *slurp*
Original: Twilight is eating chicken noodle soup. *slurp*
Wich is better? Trixy or chicken?
Anonymous22: I never said that they were funny anon21. I asked wich is better... but do you know what would really be funny?
Seeing you being draged a couple hundred feet across the ground by a car! HAHAHA! Now THATS funny! Asshole
Anonymous25: Hey anon 12 you rasist white trash hillbilly. "yes" in russian is Да asshole. I suggest that you chesk the top of the webpage and see the flags up there first....I see British, Italian chinese German and what's that Russian!! So check whose really allowed on here and who should just jack off with there burger and beer. GO TO HELL ANYONE WHO AGREES WITH ANON 12
- Reply
they're just testing out their experiment for the first time, then they can have a long-distance sexual relationship.
Heres somethin he'll understand DA (it means yes in russian)
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Translated with google translate.
Dammit Anon1, you beat me to it.
Or if you wanna get tecnical, The Great and Powerfull Trixy.
Twilight is eating Trixy noodle soup. *slurp*
Original: Twilight is eating chicken noodle soup. *slurp*
Wich is better? Trixy or chicken?
you don't have to worry about anybody ripping off your shity jokes because nobody but you finds them funny
seriously just stop talking
Seeing you being draged a couple hundred feet across the ground by a car! HAHAHA! Now THATS funny! Asshole
Though that was gonna be original.
Cave Johnson here, This is ust one of the many uses for our portal gu- Damnit IT DOSN'T FILL THE VOID!
- Reply
Why most of russians don't want to learn english?It is easy enough.