Anonymous7: Wasn't for a feature, t'was a thread on /h/ about stupid things said in hentai. Someone mentioned one that wasn't said enough (It;s okay mum, I'll take your virginity), & someone drew it.
beeto45: jesus: see you mom in 9 months!
hmhhh super holy political immunity...
yeah they can get away with this. besides
cain borrowed mom from dad (adam) to make a
a wife.
Anonymous12: La Virgen María no solo fue la Madre Santísima de Jesús, fue también la Adorada Esposa de Jesús, y Siempre será bella, santa y pura. Gloria eterna a ti Virgencita del Cielo Madre y Esposa Divina de su Hijo-Dios Jesús-Cristo
And you're hearing this from an atheist.
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Unless the text balloons are in Aramaic, one language is just as wrong as the other.
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hmhhh super holy political immunity...
yeah they can get away with this. besides
cain borrowed mom from dad (adam) to make a
a wife.
This is the final nail in the coffin.
Go to
They are my new religion.
Hail Satan !
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