Anonymous12: There is something wrong here. See, this is under mlp porn... does anyone see a ponys vag or dick? I shure dont. Get this bull shit out'a here! If your gona put it under mlp, make shure to put a um PONY in there. Yes I see ditsy de-derping doo there, but I dont see her vag, so tecnecly, not mlp porn.
Anonymous13: Yeah no MLP rule 34, just... um... whatever this is. Too lazy to look a tags. So this really shouldn't have a MLP tag. BUT- I am pleased with the reference, because, again, C WUT U FUCKIN DID THAR
ChaosInuYasha: This kinda makes me wish DLT did a cowgirl Desiree pic.....Still while I'm not a fan of Sam I am a fan of the theme. Hell that's why I got that Wicked Lady cowgirl pic done by WDJ.
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>no ponies
>full fiew
dude, this isn't fucking poni-
2. having
3. horse
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And I KNEW that horse in the background was a MLP gag. How I missed she was derpy, I'll never know.
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