Anonymous1: Quick question, I am wondering if I should buy Veilguard. I've heard so many reviews some saying it's awful, some saying it's good. My question: is Morrigan a romance option in the game?
Anonymous2: no, she is not, only the adventuring companions are... if you want to romance Morrigan, go replay DAO. That said, Veilguard is fantastic, the only people saying it's awful are the gamergaters who hate on anything that steps on their bigoted little world
Anonymous4: Thanks. I only asked the question here because I posted the same question on an actual game related site but never received an answer. I still do play DA:O and DA:I and DA2. I think I'll stick with those until there's a sale for DA:V, I'm not fond of these $79+ prices.
Anonymous5: TBH, the story telling has been really shallow thus far (20 hours in). Central plot is good enough, but the character work is poor. Main character has no development at all, and it takes a loooong time for anyone to become compelling enough for you to care. As for the folks complaining you can't create attractive characters, that is patently false. As long as you understand the preset system, you can make some hotties. I keep hearing it gets better, especially towards the end, I just wish they had brought in more seasoned writers to set up the opening bits and characters.
Anonymous6: A lot of negative reviews straight up lie. I read a few that were complaining about the game severely downplaying slavery in Tevinter, yet one of your possible backgrounds is being a member of a resistance group in Tevinter that violently frees slaves.
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