Anonymous19: Ok, the world still has hope.
Only 1% of the world likes vore.
And only 0% of the world likes monstrosities like this aka notafuckingsoul.
Anonymous23: Real men don't know what they drink. Only that they drank to damn much, don't know where they are, and don't know who in hell the person next to them is.
Anonymous28: I thought they was where hugging or something, then I clicked this,and im going to watch youtube, everytime I come here I find something worse then I could ever imagine, but I come back, because most of the time its awesome, this is not awesome, this is nightmares.
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Where'd I put that metric shitton of gin I'll need to forget this...
REJECTED *punch in the face*
A Shrubbery.
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1 vag
1 super boob
1 girls head
seems fair
Only 1% of the world likes vore.
And only 0% of the world likes monstrosities like this aka notafuckingsoul.
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...Excuse me, I'll just go to kill myself...