Anonymous2: Actually, this is a sad excuse for a rip-off. It was Sasuke fucking the shit out of Sakura but some dumbass ruined it by putting gay buttloving Naruto in it. Quit stealing people's shit and actually make it yourself faggot! I mean, look at how retarded Sakura looks.
Anonymous3: How many times must we go over this, Naruto actually likes girls where Sasuke has NEVER shown any interest at all, cause he loves the cock and was fucked up in more than one way by Orochimaru
Anonymous4: Sasuke loves giant dick up his ass and down his throat. Fucking faggot shouldn't even be in the story anymore.
I'd prefer just to see Naruto fucking Sakura and nothing more.
Anonymous5: Naruto love the cock! That's why he keep following the dudes with a sad past, talking about some gayass "bond" they have(ex:Gaara and Sasuke). Last time I checked, all Sasuke wanted to do with men, was kill them (ex:Orochimaru, Itachi, Naruto, Danzo). I'm sick of the faggot Naruto and his pussy ways. Pretty sure Naruto got it up the ass from Jiriaya during their "training".
I'd prefer just to see Naruto fucking Sakura and nothing more.