Anonymous1: and it begins... Stopme, you need a another favorite pairing... seriously your gallery has NOTHING BUT SAKUSASU! you give SakuSasu fans a bad name...
Everytime he appears he has some new super-almost-invincible technique and on top of that he is the 1 who has pics with every female on the series.
You SasuGAY fangirls and fanboys are just morons
Anonymous9: I don't think anyone understands what stopme is doing, like we have our favorite characters we want to see in hentai. Stopme's got the Sasuke fanbase on lock. His rant is true, Sasuke is alway overhated by everyone and that is what makes his hentai pics always seem low in comparison to Naruto's. Why are you guys giving him a hard time because he wants to see the character fuck chicks like Naruto does with his?
Anonymous11(1): well, he could just try to like another pairing, its just ridiculous that hes crazy into SasuSaku. its nice and all, but you need more variety
Anonymous15: Stopme....
Seriously. The reason there is little straight hentai with Sasuke is because he is clearly not interested in any girl in the anime. NONE. He's not interested in any guys either really though.
Anonymous17: Sasuke gets so much shit because he is a character that is very easy to hate, he follows Kishimoto's streak of lady-boy villains too.
and stopme gets so much shit because he spouts his Sasuke bull on non-Sasuke pics
Anonymous21: Shut the fuck up and enjoy the Sasuke porn guys dammnit. Everyone has their own favourite pairing. If you don't like it, don't look at you guys not have a life to do anything other than go on these pictures and harrass Stopme? Pretty lame -.-"
I don't understand who he's talking to.
keep the good pics coming
Everytime he appears he has some new super-almost-invincible technique and on top of that he is the 1 who has pics with every female on the series.
You SasuGAY fangirls and fanboys are just morons
Seriously. The reason there is little straight hentai with Sasuke is because he is clearly not interested in any girl in the anime. NONE. He's not interested in any guys either really though.
and stopme gets so much shit because he spouts his Sasuke bull on non-Sasuke pics
Please dont be narutards or shit.
enjoy if not , dont see