Anonymous1: funny how making an erotic story always includes long winded detailed descriptions look it even says what material the dildo is made out of
ChaosInuYasha: @Blacktortoise - My comment was reacting to the long story attacted to your pic. Some people are very against text in their porn. I was just commenting on that. Anyway I'm not worried as I know you're working on my pic and you'll post it when it's done and meets your expectations.
Blacktortoise: Ah! Ok, really this time was really hard to understand for me,, and this is why I posted the work without the story, I was afraid about that. :)
Yeah, I'm working really hard on your request, because I want to make another big step with photoshop, but you'll see... ^____^
ChaosInuYasha: More photoshop learnin' eh? Well like I said while I am patient and can wait for my pic I am getting abit antsy about it. 'Its the suspense that gets me' as they say
ChaosInuYasha: @Anon2 - I dunno. I told him via email awhile back that Rule34 came back up. Still I HOPE no news is good news as they say. Still either way I'm patient as I'm still waiting for that pic from him of Wicked Lady and T-Elos fucking Sailor Pluto while Sailor Uranus listens from the other side of the door.
Blacktortoise: Thank you for your concern guys, I'm sorry for the delay, but I was really sick during all the summer, I was forced to stay in bed for a while to heal, I just restarted to drawing now, hope to posts my new works as soon as I can. :)
Blacktortoise: Still alive (now I can say this with irony ... as soon as I could stay for a few hours at the drawing board, I'll start to post ... see you soon. ;)
Anonymous3: Great picture and a hot story too. I gotta disagree with Anonimous1 about the story being "long winded"; I thought it was direct and erotic, adding to the picture rather than distracting from it. Thanks to the artist/writer/uploader!
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Yeah, I'm working really hard on your request, because I want to make another big step with photoshop, but you'll see... ^____^
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the blood's RACING to my IMAGINATION