Anonymous7: Anon4: The comic for this cover probably doesn't exist. Doesn't matter anyway, Garabatoz always draws Mac's dick as bigger than his legs, and it looks horrible. There's a couple of other Frankie/Mac comics from her at Pixiv that are okay if you can take Mac's superdick.
Anonymous8(4): I said this, BECAUSE the artist said the same.." the comic was acquired for some adult page. So I'm sorry but I can't show those pages with mature content" Now, the "adult "page is?...never know..
MisterSoulCrush: Being pedo ain't actually cool, but when you hit the puberty at childhood haven't you wish to become a sexual victim of some sexy older girl?
Anonymous9: the point still stands that when you were hitting puberty (or even before that, for some people), you would have loved to be a "victim" of some hot older "offender".
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