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TagsKrystal, Star_Fox, foxykin
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AnOniMouse: Good find sir!
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Anonymous1: Love it
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Fara_Phoenix: Generic murrsona.
That find just got a lot, lot, LOT worse.
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General_Scales: ^You're the one to talk, but I do agree.
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Sintime: can never make you happy lol
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General_Scales: ^You can, just put up some Krystal with any random SharpClaw there is, or with Scales.
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Fox_McCloud: yeah Fara, youve had your share of generics, im n"O"t going to mention any of the cha"R"acters that youve had en"C"ountered "A"long the way!

but on a side note, i thought youd like to know that i just read all the old StarFox comics on ArwingLanding...and ive come to appreciate you more, props to you for keeping the memory or Fara alive, and now i see why some hate krystal, cause she pretty much replaced fara, who was Fox's first love interest!
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Sintime: what I typed vanished ... but like I said, I was talking to Phara Phoenix, there's plently of Krystal/Sharpclaw in LOK animations haha
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Sintime: Nice use of capital letters too Fox, made me "ROFL"
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General_Scales: LoK has split, and I'm not certain on which side...

Also, Fox, cut Fara a break. She's already said she hired an assassin for that failwhale...oh, right, it's that arctic fox.
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Woozle: People take this shit way, way too seriously. Who cares who the male is? It could just as easily be Wolf if you DO care, all you can see is naughty bits and a tail.
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Fox_McCloud: ^ oh yeah i forgot to say how do we know its even a murrsona? when we cant see anything! only the artist knows
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General_Scales: ^Ben to the artist's page.
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General_Scales: *Been
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Woozle: "It's only a picture. You should really just relax."
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General_Scales: ^Nope.avi
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demonfiren: ^Neither.
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Woozle: Of course, with a forum name of "General Scales", Scales -just might- be a bit biased in favor of seeing Krytal with Sharpclaws or Scales. I am perfectly happy to see her with just about anybody, as long as she doesn't magically sprout a dick.
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General_Scales: ^>>648170
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Sintime: Magically sprout a dick? You're in for a fw surprises ...
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demonfiren: ^I guess so...
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Anonymous2: Krystal pic appears, demonfiren, Fara(notanotherdamnlizard) and sometimes Scales bitch about the content, even though said people do the same shit with Fara, another pic is posted, the same cycle repeats.

You people just really, really have nothing better to do with your time, do you? Or are you seriously that annoyed with the fictional crap people do in their own freetime?
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demonfiren: Yes, yes we are. Terribly sorry, but do you seriously think ANYONE in here really has a life?

Okay, there might be a small minority...
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Anonymous3(2): Well of course. Browsing the art already proves that.

However, spending as much time posting bitchy little comments and roleplay as your little group does? Serious lack of anything remotely interesting to do with your time is obvious.

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Anonymous4: ^Can't let you say that, Star Fags.
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demonfiren: ^Classic raeg-triggering response GET!
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Krystal: Well, you don't see me in here that much, and I'm not really bitchy when I'm here. I think the same can be said of Fox.

It's 10:31 PM, it's nighttime. What the hell else am I going to do at a time like this? I work, and other than abusing pain killers about once a month, live a responsible life for myself and my wonderful man. Any lifestyle can be considered a loser lifestyle, even going out to clubs and getting shit-faced and getting laid can make you a "pathetic" person in the eyes of others. "Are drinking and men/women all you care about?" Maybe that's the lifestyle a person has chosen for themselves. There's really no wrong way to live your life, as long as you let people live the lives they want to live, and you live the life you wish to live. Respect other people's liberty to do as they please.
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General_Scales: ^Nope.
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Fara_Phoenix: Face it, Krystal, you can not live the life you wish to live. You have no liberty to do as you please.

Fox has been telling you what to do where, and even kicked you off the team. comment.
Panther? Please, he's that kind of pervert who will do ANYTHING, so you better do as he says.
Scales and his goons? Rapists, period.
Me? Been dominating you almost all the time.

Random murrsonas? Well...artist's decision. Not yours.
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Krystal: Maybe it's time to go out on my own then.
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Injutora: ^Then keep plenty warm, full and take care, Lovely Vixen Princess. ;3
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Anonymous5: Thank you Injutora, I wish you well.

And on a final note, I was actually trying to defend you, Scales, Fara, and all the others who participate in all the RPing going on in here, yet I got blasted by the people I was attempting to defend, even though I knew it'd be in vain.

The latest picture of me with Tails looks pretty nice. I think I'll go hang out with him for awhile. He's a sweetheart.
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Krystal: Oh fucking log off bullshit!
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Sintime: Fara Phoenix = HEARTLESS TROLL!!!?!
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demonfiren: ^No. Just someone who switches sides EXTREMELY fast if she sees fit.

Oh, on another side note, Krystal, please. I don't really like you that much anymore (cough Fara cough), but I beg of you - quit THAT bullshit.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I didn't know Krystal was all THAT serious about it...well. Can't change the facts anymore.

Just two things, Krystal.
First, defending Scales is stupid. You're his priority 1 rape victim.
Second, I'm not really doing it for serious. Nothing against you in person, just against the character - I need to play Adventures again, or I'll be forever Command-shellshocked.
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Krystal: I was never serious about it, and I knew no one else was. I wonder if I meant to post that somewhere else. I thought I was posting somewhere where everyone was bitching about us pretend RPing.

*sigh* I always end up making an ass of myself... and what's sad is that I'm actually extremely depressed right now.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Depressed? Doesn't happen too often to me, IRL I'm true to my name there. Only psychological problems are perfectionism, and occasional, pretty heavy fits of rage.

Though I did have something similar in the past, and I do know it makes you feel like shit.
You prohably have it worse than I ever did, but I still believe I understand, and wish you get well.
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Krystal: Thanks Fara. These haven't been the best of times. I think I need to disappear for awhile.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Be sure to drop back in again sometime, though, I think I have some artists cooking up something with us.
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Sintime: <_< you would be happy to see Krystal gone
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Blame yourself for that.

I actually am perfectly fine with Krystal, as long as Fara is involved and they're both having fun...well, I prefer them both enjoying it.
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Sintime: Blame myself? How is that my fault?
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Sintime: If anything you should be blaming the guy who had the rights to you, and didn't let nintendo get them :D then we could have both been happy and Krystal could have gotten her own game and stayed a cat, and wouldn't have stolen your place in the game.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^In fact I AM as officially Ninty as Krystal, from what I know.
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Fara_Phoenix: And, yes, it IS your fault, look at your comments.
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Sintime: I don't get what I said, Krystal is fine, it's you who's the mean one
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Yeah, but who started bashing? You. You and all your anti-Fara crap. I HAD TO FUCKING DEFEND MYSELF!
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Sintime: ... You started Bashing Krystal, so therefore,I bashed you, so I had to defend her, like any loyal fan would
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demonfiren: ^Other way round, honestly.
Fara fanatics are infamous for their vehemency in defending Ms P, and commonly their sensors fire at the slightest sign of Fara disapproval from others.

=> We made it worse, but you started it.
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Sintime: If I recall orrectly, initially it was comments such as, Krystal is "overused, a whore, ugly, has diseases, ect" that were said on previous pictures before I even said anything about Fara Phoenix
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Fara_Phoenix: Then we're recalling different things, and should re-recall.

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