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UploaderSodomius, avatar
TagsDragon_Ball_(series), Piccolo, Rice, Son_Gohan, featured_image, food, inanimate
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Info620x874 // 128KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: feature this shit
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Anonymous2: I didn't know what I was looking at at first.

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Fax: lol
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Anonymous3: clever
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Anonymous4: Clever motherfucker
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Anonymous5: Fuck this is Hot
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abhorsen22: yess feature!
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FalconLunch: I came.
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Titanium: The recent flood of gohan/goten/goku/krillin shit was pissing me off recently, but... this is awesome.


Happy 420 or whatever you assholes do
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pollardy: what is this and i am 19
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ginger: dear titanium
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Anonymous6: Wut
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Titanium: For the non-weeaboo among us, Gohan means rice (or a meal in general) in Moonspeak
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Sintime: ... what does Moonspeak mean
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Anonymous7: ... what does Meanspeak moon
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Anonymous8: Not funny or clever, its like putting,
Naruto(maelstrom, a ramen topping thats white and has a pink swirl in it) and Sakura(cherry blossum)
In fact, thats a great idea! Someone should get on that right now!! And feature it as well! >:D
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Anonymous9: ^ Good point, someone should get on to doing that,
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Titanium: Ugh... seriously... Moonspeak is Japanese... I thought you guys know memes.
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traffik: ^In b4 "what's a meme"
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Anonymous10(8): What's In b4
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JWN926: ...What's sad is the indication that there's not enough bullets in the world to handle this situation.

What's funny is that this pic took so long for someone to make.
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imaajfpstnfo: what's a mime?
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Anonymous11: looks like a bong
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JWN926: Something that's fun to kick.
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Sintime: I'm 12 and what is this
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Anonymous12: wut iz a meme plz u tel
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Anonymous13: My battleship is
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Anonymous14: the condom makes it
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Anonymous15: gay
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volvagia720: Yes, annon15, it is gay. Piccolo is fucking Gohan. You don't need to state the obvious.
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Ankou: i lulz'd and came at the same time
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Anonymous16: fuckin hilarious
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Anonymous17(16): All your base are belong to us.
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Biggus__Dickus: No it's not. Piccolo is a Namek - an asexual species.
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Biggus__Dickus: Therefore, it is not gay, as Piccolo is neither male nor female
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JWN926: In denial I see. Okay. I get it.
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Anonymous18(9): Greetings, I'm 84 and my 12 year old grandson was on this website and what is this?
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Anonymous19(8): ^This is a new generation of porn, your old human intercourse age got boring and so we started some chemistry on animals, then robots, then we finally concluded that musical instruments and Japanese food pleasured us the most!
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BPQ00X: This is punishment for your wrong on letting your grandson on the computer
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Anonymous20(9): Grandfather returning to this site, what did I do wrong?
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Anonymous21: You, sir, just made my fucking day.
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pollardy: @anon 19 are we tranceding the human condition with this new wave of ultra porn, just like modern art?
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Anonymous22: Not sure if troll.jpg
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Anonymous23: i thought this pic was awesome. then i saw your coments
also: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous24: With us talking about chemistry & genetics what would happen if some one crossed an animal with a human (and worked) what do you think would happen
A.evything goes well
C.other (because I carnt think of other reasons)
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Anonymous25: I think the trolls have come from the depths if the darkest e-forrests to haunt this placr.
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Anonymous26: C.WW5
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ZoneZ5: Not gay, balls don't touch.
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Anonymous27: With the name puns in shounen anime, especially DBZ, you could make a MILLION of these.

Conduct an orchestra, and it's the sound of 100 of Piccolo's children orgasming.

Bake a cake and it's a Ginyu Force orgy.
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Anonymous28: that's a big fuckin condom
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Anonymous29: This is making me horny... That's some hot shit...
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nate1606: @ZoneZ5

Rice Balls?
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Anonymous30: ^ that's a big pile of steamin shit!
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Anonymous31: lol!
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Anonymous32: Oh u.
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Anonymous33: Isn't that a Clarinet?
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Titanium: ^no
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Anonymous34(30): its a blow bow.
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dlt: Lemme kiss your ass too and say that I was also annoyed to see all the faggotry and that this is the best feature ever.
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Anonymous35: I gigglesnorted.
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Anonymous36(30): no wonder that this site is on the shit list with posts like this.
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Anonymous69: I'm high as fuck so this shit just makes me laugh.
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gothicazn: Well at least Picolo is wearing a condom so Gohan dont get Namek aids.
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Anonymous37(30): ^ That is due to the fact that you are an IDIOT!
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Anonymous38: attractive and successful African
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Anonymous39: ^That was random
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Anonymous40: Damned LOLACAUST
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gothicazn: or std
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lazarus: Ha ha, very smart.
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Anonymous41: I'm in space. (PS: I'm a potato)
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Anonymous42: Hey look
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anon0: what is what?

but seriously, love this feature.
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Vivaland: it looks more like a clarinet if you ask me
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Anonymous43: JOCKEY!!
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Nonnymoos_9k: I see what you did there.
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Anonymous44: ... why?
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Anonymous45: Waiter, there seems to be a piccolo with a condom in my rice.
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Anonymous46: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
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Anonymous47: NOT PORN. NOT 34. DELETE.
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Anonymous48: @46, yes, it is. It is very much porn.
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Freezer: Anon46 lacks sufficient imagination and/or lulz capacity.
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kyle724: Rice bowl is touching = completely gay...probably I think.
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Weapon_R: @titanium, really man, it's like you're asking for the stupid and brainless to ask such absurd questions.

but seriously, I had to look this up just to make sure I was laughing at the proper thing, and this is textbook definition of win.
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SD40-2: Rice balls not touching, so, not gay
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Anonymous49: Oh That's Disgusting!!
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Anonymous50: I fapped to the pic, but came at the comments.
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Sintime: I'm 12 and I don't understand any of this
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Anonymous51: I've never watched DBZ and what is this?
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Anonymous52: Porn is getting more abstract lately. Fapping for the thinking man!
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DtheB: The condom kills me lol.
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Anonymous53: I read every comment on this one. Pic is hilarious and the convo at anon 15 is also win. should screenshot me thinks
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Anonymous54: Well, this is stupid.
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duckpenisexpert: Rice is good when you're hungry, and you want 2000 of something.
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Anonymous55: I agree with the guy that said it looks like a bong.
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Anonymous56: ಥoಥ OH GOD YES
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LadyPerbas: Lol. Man I'm glad I drank my soda in the kitchen and not at my computer. Would have ruined my day by having to clean my keyboard instead of getting good laugh.

You know, I'm pretty sure there would be less wars in the world if some uptight hypocrites watched more porn.
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Anonymous57: @ladyperbas wouldnt you have had to clean your keyboard from fapping anyway? >;D
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HbA: Lol, clever :P
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Raptor___Jesus: I just jizzed in my pants.
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Dagg: LOL!
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Anonymous58(47): @47, no, it's not porn. It does not have a penis, vagina, ass, or pair of tits.
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Anonymous59: Nicely played.
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Anonymous60: this is a great thing that every1 must praise as the supreme yaoi
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Anonymous61: if hes asexual, then we're in agreement its neither gay, nor straight... so what is it?!?
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Anonymous62: @60 It's porn. Now fap.
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Anonymous63(47): @61, How is this porn? Just because it has a condom? When I make rice, the spoon I use to dish it out with, if I put a condom on that does it become porn? Should we make illegal for kids to get or look at rice? A disclaimer; if you find viewing rice offensive, or it is illegal for you to view rice is your area, you should leave.
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mantinziza: Dammit now im hungry... Thanks assholes
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Ensse: Anon40 is thinking with portals.
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Anonymous64: it´s porn because it involves sex, so it produces a sexual desire(even if it´s not there)
you could say it´s "soft" porn, but it´s porn

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Anonymous65: I lol'd.
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Anonymous66: Artist is a liar, that's not a Piccolo.
That's the top piece of either an Oboe or a Clarinet. If you're gonna make lulzy porn, do it right.
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Anonymous67: /slash visual pun
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Anonymous68: That just blows the whole cover off, it's the damn french choosing this crap!
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Anonymous69(47): @63 How does this involve sex? Just because one thing is in another? When I use a shovel to dig I am in fact having the shovel fuck the ground?
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Anonymous70: LMFAO
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DragonShade44: This is fucking retarded.
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Anonymous71: ^Thats why its win
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8o8: "porn" at it's finest, and very funny and weird.
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Anonymous72: @68 yes. yes you are. have fun fucking the ground. sicko.
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Anonymous73: Anon57 is right.

this is another non-porn feature.
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Anonymous74: Why is there a trumpet in a pile of poo?
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Anonymous75: There's no point in that condom. That balls are inert...
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HolyShitnuggets: @JWN926
This pic is actually at least half a decade old. Surprised it hadn't been posted here yet to be honest
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Watari: This definitely gets a rice out of me.
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evil4563: Jesus crist this is HOT
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Anonymous76: Fuck yeah using a wooden piccolo for this visual pun. Metal piccolos can go die in a fire.
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Anonymous77(7): Ooooh. Sticking that hard wooden instrument into that delicious steaming moistness! How could this be anything but porn?
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JWN926: On an unrelated note, there any reason Duke Nukem is having all of their stuff taken down?
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Anonymous78: I am looking for 3 images by the same artist. The images are comic strips that are more long than wide and you read them from top to bottom also all the art is in red and blue. I can't remember the artists name and I think that is all the images where tagged under. Don't call me lazy because I've already looked through 203 pages in the comics tab and couldn't find them. PLEASE HELP ME!!! (I have to write big to get people's attention)
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Anonymous79: What the fuck man?!
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Anonymous80: what is this i dont even..
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Kikimora: this is hentai? ;/
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Anonymous81: how the fuck is this hot?
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Anonymous82(7): Anon80, we already covered this in detail. Read the damn thread, douchebag.
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Anonymous83: this is the hot fuck how
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Anonymous84: Look, I dont want to get flamed for being a n00b and posting off topic, when will signups be re-enabled?
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Anonymous85(7): You off-topic posting n00b! Go die in a fire!

And also, I don't know.
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Anonymous86: people keep saying nameks are Asexual where the fuck do you get this from? just because we dont see him fucking anyone do we see goku fucking anyone? no!

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Anonymous87(86): i know your all joking about being attracted to this you just have to be lol =D

but this is seriously omega funny.
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Anonymous88(27): Anon 85, true, but we also see Goku naked plenty enough to know he has a dick. Piccolo reproduces asexually via spitting out eggs, so there wouldn't be any reason for him to have sexual organs.
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Anonymous89: Lol clever rice fucked by an instrument.

when you know what a name means its better
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Anonymous90: Man, pretty sure an IRL friend of mine drew this.
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Cat_Bountry: ^ Shit.

That was me by the way.
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Anonymous91: MOAR!
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goldensanji: it looks like a big bong.
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Franky_Whiskey: fly lice is good. you tly!
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Anonymous92: What is this. I don't even.
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Anonymous93(92): What is this. I don't even
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Anonymous94: @ anon 85....have you the canon series seen a FEMALE FUCKING NAMEKIAN. the answer no not even on fucking namek O-O.
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shetni64: At least they're being responsible.
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Anonymous95: And this!...

Is porn for twelve year olds
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Anonymous96: poor Anonymous 24 he never saw the pig child Psi Factor episode plus this pic is hilarious
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Anonymous97: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha.....haha......hah.....h....ha..........

It's funny because it's a pun on food and musical instruments.
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Anonymous98(73): this is a nonporn feature
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Anonymous99: who the fuck can fap to this shit?
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Anonymous100: wait, what?
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Anonymous101: check'em
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Anonymous102: Who eats rice with a piccolo with a condom on the end? Me, thats who.
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Anonymous103: I tell you, that's the last time Uncle Joker ask for fucking rice. I swear some restaurnats will serve anything.
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tyciol: This is amazing, I fapped harder cause there is a condom.
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UglyNarcissist: Best feature evar.
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Anonymous104: Vegeta-
What the fuck?!
Stop making fun of my husband!
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Anonymous105: *sigh* People on this sight are fucked up.
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Anonymous106: @65 Thats the mouth piece of a piccilo, not a clarinet,or oboe. Do you not see the obvious blow hole.And the mouth piece looks NOTHING like an oboe.

This picture made my day!
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Anonymous107(81): anon104, does that include you?
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Anonymous108: lol this just reminds me of when I was a little kid and my friends used to always make fun of the DBZ characters names.
"OMG his name is Radish!" And so on. XD
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Anonymous109: Piccolo is also a kind of tea (I just think that would be more appropriate given the whole food pun thing in Dragon Ball).
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Anonymous110: @Anon108: But Piccolo's minions are named after musical instruments, so...

And I agree with Anon11, looks like a fucking bong.
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Anonymous111: lmao ..soooo hot posting it on fb
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DreamsofCentaurs: Lol I see what you did there
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Anonymous112: At least they're using protection.

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