Sintime: "What you heard one fox fart you heard them all?
Not when it comes to Renamon's fartapalusa with her musical Digibbum. Hear her preform such music as. Were off the see the pooper the wonder pooper of Renamon, Because because because because becausssseee of all of the wonder things it does. Or other music extravaganza like. Farts get in my eyes, Renny bum bum Renny bum bum. of course who could forget. Ren the Digimon. Come on with out, come on with in . You ain't smelled nothing like the mighty Ren. All you have to do is call 1-900 ren-anus to here them all." - Doc_Icenogle
AnOniMouse: ^ I lolled so hard I burst a a nasal membrane, THEN fell of my chair and banged my nose. My sides hurt like a rhiusand knives but it was SO WORTH IT.
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Not when it comes to Renamon's fartapalusa with her musical Digibbum. Hear her preform such music as. Were off the see the pooper the wonder pooper of Renamon, Because because because because becausssseee of all of the wonder things it does. Or other music extravaganza like. Farts get in my eyes, Renny bum bum Renny bum bum. of course who could forget. Ren the Digimon. Come on with out, come on with in . You ain't smelled nothing like the mighty Ren. All you have to do is call 1-900 ren-anus to here them all." - Doc_Icenogle
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