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TagsAnko_Mitarashi, Hinata_Hyuuga, Ino_Yamanaka, Kurenai_Yuhi, Naruto, Sakura_Haruno, Shizune, Temari, Tenten, Tonton, Tsunade, konakona
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Anonymous1: why only tsunade,they should all have dicks
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Anonymous2: another pic wasted. thx futa!
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Anonymous3: Don't mind futa,but stop drwaing dicks on everything
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Anonymous4: bawwwwwwwwww
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Knockers: Still don't understand the fascination with futa.
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Anonymous5: Luv Hinata getting felt up. :D

Bit worried about Tsunade though.
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Anonymous6: I still don't understand the fascination of hating on futa. Don't like it? Don't click on the obvious thumbnail. I don't like yaoi, furry or guro but I don't click on them and post THE SAME LAME COMMENT ON EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF CONTENT I CLAIM TO DISLIKE like anon2. I swear it's the same goddamn person! You're in denial.
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Anonymous7: No, no. De nile is de river in de egypt.

Anon2 is just a dick.
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Anonymous8: one: the edit is shit
two wtf is anko holding
three: i just guess guy want tits to play with so they like futa
four: ino is hot as hell
five: this needs more girls
six: i ran out of things to say
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Anonymous9: I agree with A6 and A8
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Anonymous10(9): And I add that I'm tired of explaining it to narrow minded insecure closet-gays. It's really not that difficult of a concept, there are a load (heh) of reasons why a straight guy (or girl) would like futa. If you haven't figured it out by now you're not going to, so just leave off it.
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Anonymous11: I'd still argue that actually wanting a girl to have a dick in the pic (futa) than not wanting them to have one is a decent indicator that "straight" people who love futa might not be all that straight *gasp*

This pic is obviously just a troll edit though
so whatever
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Anonymous12(6): ^I'm anon6. I suppose I walked right into that one with the in denial comment. There's always the possibility. However, I'd argue that reality =/= fantasy. There's going to be haters but anon2s annoying repetition was the main reason I commented. Anon8 Anko's probably got food I think.
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Anonymous13(9): @anon11, that argument fails simply because a futa edit means we can have BOTH, there's no either/or to it, we have a dick version and a non dick version.

That said, not every pic needs a futa edit and some are just troll edits. Not convinced this one is though
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Demonomicon: Anon8 - Anko is holding a skewer of dango (little dumpling things), her trademark favorite food.
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Anonymous14: Needs moar dick
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Anonymous15: What I wonder is why there is a fetish of women with penises but no one is interested in men with vaginas?
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shetni64: Anon6: Although I agree in principle, this one's not that obvious. I didn't notice it in the thumbnail.

Anon15: I hear that a few people are, but they mostly seem interested in little boys or effeminate men with vaginas, so they don't look all that different from women. (A hairy muscular guy with one might be funny though.)
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Anonymous16: ^Its called Rule63 mah attractive and successful African
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Knockers: ^ Anon15 means men with vaginas, not men turned into women. You know, the opposite of a chick with a dick.
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Anonymous17: Nice dick shape.
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Anonymous18: sexy
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Anonymous19: I did-int even notice the dick till it was too late.
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Anonymous20: I DIDN'T NOTICE THE DICK EITHER, THANKS DUCKING ANIMAL, but seriously I have no problem with futa, you shouldn't be ashamed to like fits, and FYI, a man with a vagina is FUCKING DISGUSTING, screw that!
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Anonymous21(20): Sorry, FUCKING ANONS, damn computer

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