zhed-grade: Lol i was in a random hippie shop a while back and there was a surrealist painting of this exact thi... Wait a minute! TRACEFAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
also the original has a baby one hatching from an egg in the right corner
As for the cut one, wouldn't ya think it took some herbal enhancement?
Oh wait, that's the shriveled up one.
BUT WAIT! Wouldn't it be all musscle bound?
Have I blown your logic?
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This totally needs to be featured.
also the original has a baby one hatching from an egg in the right corner
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As for the cut one, wouldn't ya think it took some herbal enhancement?
Oh wait, that's the shriveled up one.
BUT WAIT! Wouldn't it be all musscle bound?
Have I blown your logic?
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