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Anonymous1: Hey, does anyone know where I can register an account?
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Anonymous2: meaty pussseh
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Anonymous3: anon 1 same question :/
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Anonymous4(3): anon1 same question :/ men
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Chef_Retardee: Expensive? I KNEW it!

Anons, you can't register at the top of the site page anymore?
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Anonymous5: "They were expensive"? So Rouge got a boob job?
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Anonymous6: Anon 5 is obviously 1, 3 and 4 because they are all FUCKING STUPID.
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Anonymous7: And, anon 6, I am going to be so stupid as to asnwer their question.
On the top of the page it says 'Main', 'Sites', 'Community', and 'ANNOUNCEMENTS".
When you click 'Community' the bottom-most link should say 'register'.
When you click that, it will give you a picture of a furry dog masturbating, print it.
Now go to the nearest Subway, with your picture, and go to the table nearest to the left side of the counter, of wich the top is removable.
Remove the top, put the picture in the table, close it, and leave.
A man by the name of Juann will pick it up, and you will be delivered a letter asking your name and password.
Fill it in, and de the same as with the dog picture, but in a Walmart this time, and together with a $5 bill.
You will have an account by the name and passowrd you filled in the next day by noon.

Glad to help.
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mamaweegee: TITS

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