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Garen has the emblem of Demacia on his Y-fronts!

(Joking aside, can we PLEASE, PLEASE see a continuation of this? PLEASE?!)
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Anonymous2: Katarina is perfect but garen has a weird face :\
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Anonymous3: I would honestly pay for a comic starring Garen and Katarina...

Especially if it covered a variety of positions
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Anonymous4(1): I know what's weird about Garen's face- his lips are too dark.

Apart from that, practically perfect.
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Anonymous5: Kat looks nice.
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Anonymous6: this is bound to be canon in the upcoming journals of justice. theyre perfect
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Norton: Artist name?
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Anonymous7: I didn't know there was a commando katarina skin
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Roflcakes: Garen is scaring me...
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Anonymous8: Can't be Garen... His shoulders don't cover half of his face.
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Anonymous9: Honestly it should be reversed and Katarina having a strapon
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Anonymous10: That's the most perfect face I've ever seen on Katarina, especially the colour of the eyes and the lips. And the way her hair falls down between her incrdible tits is beyond amazing.
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Anonymous11: I really wanted to fap to this, then I kept thinking about face-checking bushes with Garen in them and lol'd too hard. Then I noticed the Demacian symbol on his underwear and laughed even harder.
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Anonymous12: Looks like a new movie, starring TOM CRUISE with ANGELINA JOLIE.

LoL Wars : The Demacians Strike Back (literally).
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Anonymous13: moar kat !
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Anonymous14: Lemme see your RAPE FACE!!
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Anonymous15: At the top, that doesn't look like rope or string or anything, and it doesn't appear to be tied in a knot or buckled anywhere. Is that Nocturne participating in a 2v1 here?
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Anonymous16: Snared and silenced, cant shunpo out of this one. Hopefully Garen have a full set of asspenetration runes :D
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Anonymous17(15): 16 - They're "per level" runes. They won't break even with flat runes until he gets up to Level 6.
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Anonymous18: Demacian Justice. I said it.
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Anonymous19: Cannot unsee... Garen's stomach.... did he have surgery recently?
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Anonymous20: Garen's shoulders need to be wider. Other than that... this is purrrrfect. I really hope there are more of these incoming. :-D Just... Garen needs wider shoulders. Also please... keep him in the dominating role. DEMACIAA!! :)
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Anonymous21: Garen: Youza gunna get raped...
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Anonymous22: And now, let us discuss the location of your hidden rebel base...
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Anonymous23: derp garen
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Anonymous24: You can see the "Aww shit" on Katarina's face
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Anonymous25: best face ever, katarina best champ ever <3
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Anonymous26: damn it, shes so fuckin... hot

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