Shinchan720: Night elf thinking of buying an orc slave for her collection. Last pics I've posted were pretty badly bashed and I'm sure this one might be no different since it's still a manip. But the best thing about this site is ppl do speak their mind. Hopefully someone out there likes it
Anonymous1: The nails look pretty bad, the tits are a bit too... bloated, like, too bubble like. Other than that, I could honestly almost get my rocks off, maybe more female nudity next time to help out :>
Shinchan720: ty for being nice and honest. ya the nails are kinda bad and her panties are hiked up kinda high. And its not really that they are its just I made her lower section a bit to tall. Shouldve done another version with no panties at all and shrunken it i suppose. thanks for the comments :)
Anonymous3: nice, but for some reason the elf reminds me of that annoying chick in Snacky's Journal, lol. other than that, i agree with the other Anons.
her name was Angie